Is it a success? after the start last monday?
Hell no!
There has been only 1 update after an weblog entry I made yesterday. *under an alias*; as I am not able to update my ‘AroundMyRoom’ 20six page anymore.
A day after my registration I discovered that I used a wrong e-mail address.
From that time: e-mail(s) for support cannot be delivered; e-mails to an editor un-answered. Later, when I registered with an alias, I read that I have to wait about a week before the request to be a member will be removed (due to unanswered e-mail for activation).
So, this company needs to do some extra work if they want to become a success.
With not more that 30 to 40 pages active right now it seems that the dutch do not understand weblogging or do not want to use the 20six free service
Sorry 20six, but I think you could do a better job.
Contact Dutch Webloggers for input; and improve your technical features.
XML/RSS, RSD, XML-RPC, offline-writing .. etc. etc.
Ojeah: I am open for comments.