CFULLHDMA: Trying to understand Samba

The Conceptronic CFULLHDMA has an automatical way of finding Samba Shares, to make life easy for customers. The device is using ‘smbtree’ for this purpose. smbtree is a text based network browser.

As I do a lot of testings I suddenly did not get any samba share to see on the CFULLHDMA anymore. Bummer, a bug? let’s find out …

Normally I have 6!! Samba shared devices in my network. Suddenly, after rebooting a PC (XP) and a NAS I lost all Samba shares to bee seen in my CFULLHDMA, reboot, turn off / turn on .. nothing helped.

Analyzing I found out following:

the smbtree was generating an error on the CFULLHDMA.

session request to failed (Called name not present)
Data overflow in cli_receive_trans

the is my printserver, turning off that device only gave totally no output on running smbtree.

Using the same utility ‘smbtree’ on my Centos webserver (where is running at) generated the same error. For me it meant that it was not a bug on my CFULLHDMA but a general ‘error’ within my network. Checking my network neighbourhood at my XP machine revealed only 1 samba share: a rebooted nas device I had to reset to factory defaults and modified on IP level again (fixed) and where I changed its Samba Share name as well. The rest of my shares were even not seen at my XP system, Linux Server or CFULLHDMA.

To solve the issue I did following:

I rebooted my DSL modem (router / dns / dhcp device) &

6 thoughts on “CFULLHDMA: Trying to understand Samba

  1. Gert says:

    I encountered a similar problem last weekend, suddenly all Samba shares were gone. Afer analyzing what has changed I discovered that a Vista PC was causing the problem. Switching off the firewall which blocked all incoming traffic on this PC solved the problem, all shares re-appaered at my FCULLHDMA. Maybe this may give you a clou what is causing the disappearing of shares. I think more people are having this problem.

  2. Rien says:

    I still do not see my Samba shares on my QNAP209 NAS from my CF.
    I tried to put only the CF and the NAS on my switch (no other devices) and it could not find any servers. From my windows Vista/XP machines I can use the Samba shares without any problem !!

    Any help is welcome,


  3. VDABEELEM says:

    Today I encountered a similar problem as described above, suddenly all Samba shares were gone on my CFULLHDMA firmware v01. . Several reboots of devices were not helping at all.

    To solve the issue I did following:

    I switched of the whole network and devices

    I rebooted my DSL modem (router / dns / dhcp device) & I rebooted all devices with samba shares :

    -first booted Linux boxes

    -then the xp -pc\’s

    -Starting the CFULLHDMA as well and I saw all my samba and XP shares again.

    -then booted the vista pc\’s

    -All my samba shares were still there.

    Personally I do NOT think the FCULLHDMA or the CH3SNAS have something to do with it, because also in vista and xp I lost those shares.

    but further I have totally no idea why suddenly all my samba shares were gone and that I had to do restarts to have them appear again. I suspect some vista (tools?)
    Anyway the FCULLHDMA and the CH3SNAS is working fine again, Happy again

  4. Martin says:

    Same problem here. Last weekend my shares vanished also.

    I restarted everything in my network (2 PCs, 2 CH3SNAS, 1 other NAS, Router) nothing helped. Then I remembered I had the same problem half a year ago (something to do with summer/winter time change???).
    The shares on both CH3SNAS are pasword protected. Half a year ago I removed users and passwords from both CH3SNAS and the problem was solved. Now I did it again and yes, the problem was solved again. I than changed users and passwords back to there original vallue and everything is still working fine. Now I am waiting for wintertime to see what happens then.

  5. cento007 says:


    I am unable to view any files on my linux machine (ubuntu 8)
    If i do smbtree -b i will be asked for a password, but enter is also good enough and i get a list of shares on my linux machine (sort of nas with 4 terra storage) and the shares on my CH3 nas.

    On my FULLHDMAi i see my NAS and my Linux machine but if i select my linux machine it always tells me that it couldn’t find any media files. My CH3 nas nicely shows 2 shares.

    If i check from my win7 i get a list of shares with no questions asked :)

    Why does the CHFULLHDMAi not display the shares and would it be a good idea to make the userinterface a bit more flexible then just relying on a selection? If you look at the HDX 1000 they can do everything with shares on all kinds of machines with or without passwords. They even have tons of options for web based content.

    Help would be appreciated :)



  6. Klaus Spithost says:

    No servers (SAMBA and/or XP-workstations with shares) visible on my CFULLHDMAi quite suddenly. Last week everything worked great and now…. trouble.
    If I check in the morning when my LAN is quiet I see all the servers sharing “something” in the CFULLHDMAi but later in the day the CFULLHDMAi suddenly gets the same problem as described. I tried different firmwareversions but I get the same result with all.
    Apparently there’s something that changed on the network, now blocking the browser in the CFULLHDMAi. On a Fedora box the smbtree-command shows all servers with their shares on the network and I don’t really see any errors that might lead to trouble on the CFULLHDMAi.
    Why isn’t there a way to directly choose a share on a (SAMBA)server through for example the IMedia option?

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