About Me

  • dennis.jpgDennis Slagers
  • Born in 1971
  • Studied M.E.A.O. Commercial Economics with ‘Informatica’
  • Played +30 years Waterpolo
  • Started to work for a local Rabobank behind a counter giving people their money. Millions of Euro’s have been between my hands.
  • Tried to start to work on the IT department of that bank but failed due to reorganizations.
  • Moved to the middle of Holland and started to work for an IT hardware company: 2L International with brands: Dynalink & Conceptronic.
  • Had my own BBS  called BabySoft (2:283/548 – 549) with 4 lines mainly focused on exchanging messages through Fidonet
  • Started with UUCP and Listserv the mailinglist: the BabySoft Megamix Mailinglist later transformed into the ‘Mixfreaks Mailinglist’
  • People enjoying: mix, megamix, grandmix, minimix, gigamix, 12-inch, remix came together in that list and a few nice Parties.
  • Maintainer for many years with up to 800 members of that Mailinglist.
  • Being the tech guy behind jaarmix.nl from 2001 until 2017 (create a list of yearmixes made by dj’s with the tagline: if its not on our list it’s not a yearmix)
  • From support employee helping people with their ISDN, ADSL & modems (sometimes handling multiple customers at one time) to Technical Product Manager developing OEM and ODM
  • products.
  • The AT Hayes command set did not have any secret for me. Rockwell was my favourite and AT&F&C1&D2M1L3S95=47%E2 was the best command around.
  • Won a World trip Around the World with ‘Libertel’ and traveled together with my brother to: Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, USA in 80 days.
  • 2 weeks before 9/11 I was in New York
  • established a weblog on blogger, worked with Pivot, Movabletype, Blogger and WordPress. The weblog was called AroundMyRoom as the blog in its early days had a camera what could move around my room ;)
  • 1 month before my 3 months worldtrip I met Lilian
  • Moved from Amersfoort to Apeldoorn due to the love for the lady ;)
  • Got married and traveled together to China, Afrika, Egypt and more
  • After 16 years from modem to ISDN to ADSL to Mediaplayers the company went from chapter 11 to bankruptcy and I had to find a new job. Within 1 day I found a new job.
  • Started working for Freecom/Verbatim as Product Manager NAS products and developed the Freecom SilverStore 2 Bay NAS
  • Tim was born and one week after his birth I got a notice that I could leave Freecom/Verbatim due to economic reasons.
  • took a short break to enjoy the fullest of Tim
  • The hardware IT sector for OEM/ODM became very bad and decided to enter the software part
  • Since 2012 I am working as Consultant & Product Manager for InterShift a company busy with developing planning software.
  • Update to 2024 …
  • Meanwhile: Tim is 12 and now busy with his secondary education. He is able to sport at school and last year he was the best Dutch swimmer in his age
  • Meanwhile: playing 5 years waterpolo again. Goalkeeper of H2
  • Busy with timekeeping during swim games
  • Becoming a waterpolo referee
  • InterShift has been taken over by Agilio Sofware. Working as Product Manager
  • From using a 2400bps modem to a 1GB cable modem
  • using proxmox VM servers, knowledge about VMWARE
  • Linux, Windows are used daily ..
  • Enjoying a good BBQ with my Kamado Joe
  • Creating Nougat and Sausages or Smoked Salmon when we have time.
  • Hobby for 20 years: deep diving. Lilian & I are rescue divers ..
  • Said goodbye to my blog to use it for historical purposes, but in secret updating it here and there
  • like this page ;)


25 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Jack Broughton says:

    Greetings Dennis!

    I’m impressed by the effortless way you transition from Dutch (it is Dutch right? :) to English however for those of us who are “Dutch challenged” it means that we only benefit from your words of wisdom in English.

    I applaud you for your work on the various NAS units that all have the same underlying engine regardless of brand name. It appears though that even with your updates those really inexpensive units are not really ready for prime time. I was surprised to find that because they format the drive FAT32 there’s no support for file sizes larger than 4 Gb. I was surprised the performance is so slow. Now lastly it appears there’s some sort of very annoying caching issue going on with Windows Vista that makes the application (usually MS Word 2003) say that a file is saved fine but when you open it again later you find that all of your edits were not in fact saved. This problem seems to be larger when you have only made a small number of changes.

    Any insites you have on those things would be appreciated but I think for now we’re probably just going to have to invest in a little more robust unit like one of the DLink boxes.

    I like your site but I’m not certain how one gets a login to access the whole site. As a friendly suggestion you might want to edit the generic 404 error page from Apache and substitute a page that actually tells users how to login if they have a login or obtain a login if they don’t.

    I tried going to your sister’s site (I’m guessing it is your sister) but unfortunately the only thing English on it was the advertising so I was pretty much out of luck there.

    My cousin married someone from Holland who’s moved back here to Canada. Perhaps as he’s a web designer with time on his hands I’ll put him to work translating your site for me! :)



  2. Hi,

    I have a Venus FT-35L ver:b and it is dead – help?

    Tried the pdf steps am now up to either taking flash off board and re-programming or somehow making a jtag interface and getting that to work in some way.


  3. Lex Slaghuis says:


    goede website. Ik ben een van die CH3SNAS fans. Believe it or not, ik ben zelfs 3 jaar na mijn studie me weer eens gaan verdiepen in Linux. Goed spul!!!!

  4. Christof,

    Ik denk dat je zelf heel goed kan vragen op tweakers om iets door iemand te laten maken als voorbeeld. Ik heb helaas geen mogelijkheid/tijd om dit te doen. Ik kan je alleen verwijzen naar de handleiding waar veel in staat incluis afbeeldingen ..
    Ik wil hier op mijn playground zover dat gaat objectief blijven en een platform bieden waar mensen vraag en antwoord kunnen plaatsen, maar dat ik daar niet altijd tussen hoef te zitten..

  5. Hoi Dennis,

    Ik heb gisteren een bug gevonden in de 1.04RC voor de CH3SNAS.

    Als je de iTunes server met de browse optie op een andere folder wilt zetten dan de root optie, gaat de webserver in de stres (reboot). Als je daarna naar de iTunes Server settings page gaat (als de server weer online is) dan missen de save en cancel buttons. En gaat de web-server direct weer in de stres.

    Het terugzetten van een config heeft me gered, maar wel lastig.



  6. Ronald says:

    Hallo Dennis,

    Ik heb een “Dennis-proof” product aangeschaft. CM3Gpp, 500G. Mooie machine, werkt perfect. Krijg morgen een nieuwe afstandsbediening want die doet het niet zo goed.
    Je leest hoe het verder gaat.



  7. Carlos says:

    Hello Dennis!. First of all… congratulations for your website. It is amazing.

    I would like you to make me happy with one doubt please!

    I am going to buy tomorrow the concreptronic grab ‘n go CH3MNAS and I would like to know if the upnp is working with xbox 360 and ps3 like the CH3SNAS with the may 2009 firmware..

    PLEASE help me IF YOU CAN!


  8. I can confirm that CH3MNAS has working xbox360 / ps3 compability for UPnP but that type is NOT YET on the market yet.

    CH3SNAS has some issues still with xbox360 . under analyze

  9. Ramon de Wit says:

    Beste Dennis,

    Vanaf het begin zie ik eigenlijk geen enkele windows share in mijn server2003 AD netwerk.

    Nu wil ik een en ander eens gaan debuggen. Heb dus over een aantal dingen gelezen die ik kan proberen na tot stand brenging van een telnet verbinding…

    Echterrrrr… Wat is nou in vredesnaam het wachtwoord van mijn CFULLHDMAi waar hij om vraagt als ik er naartoe probeer te telnetten??? (OF waar kan ik dat vinden?)



  10. Peter says:

    Hallo Denis

    Ik krijg geen netwerkverbinding via de Powerplug adapter vanaf mijn PC naar de CM3GPP en omgekeerd.

    Heb jij een duidelijke handleiding (in Jip en Janneketaal) om dit in te stellen?

    Ik stel deze vraag aan jou, omdat ik al weken bezig met met de helpdesk van Concentronic/2L, echter zonder resultaat. Ik wacht al weer 2 weken op een vervolg antwoord :-(

    Alvast bedankt.

  11. Jan H says:

    Ik slijm niet graag, maar vind je iso goed in elkaar gezet. maar heb nog twee vraagjes voor je..

    1. Wanner ga je een update maken met daarin news bin voor ch3snas.
    2. iuk heb ingestel dat ik een gebruiker ftp heb. een dag later ga ik kijken omdat ik iets wilde aanpassen en de gebruiker is weg. ik dacht Hmmm .. zeker laat geworden. nogmaal aan maken, maar helaas hij zegt dat hij al bestaat.

    waar kan ik dat na kijken via de web zie ik hem niet…

    alvast bedankt..


  12. Roshim says:

    Hi Dennis,

    Am liking your site … But….

    We’ve seen you in person and met you…


    You look much much better than that picture you put..
    ( Time for a new one?)

    Well looking forward to much more communications..

    Greets from Enschede

  13. Hello Dennis,

    I just bought the CH3MNAS. In your posts you say fun plug is working. But the 0.5 does not seem to install in the 1.02 firmware version of this NAS box.
    It did work with the CH3SNAS box I have. Did you see this behavior with the CH3MNAS at first?

    Thanks for your input.



  14. Hoi Dennis,

    Mijn fout was dat ik met de Mac de files heb gecopieerd. Dan heb je die fantastische .fun_plug files.

    Die worden dan niet opgepakt en lukt de install niet.

    Het werkt nu dus al.



  15. Raul_ch3wnas says:

    Hi Dennis, good afternoon friend, I am very happy to visit your web space. have a good life and discoverer!.
    I have long been trying to put a bittorrent client on the machine CH3WNAS of Conceptronics.
    Be kind enough to help a friend? thank you very much

  16. CH3WNAS has been sold very shortly .. and was no success, there is almost nothing possible with that item ..
    I would say: forget about it.. it’s too old and too outdated product.
    note: I am not employed at that company anymore, it’s bankrupt and I am out of the hardware business..

  17. Hallo Dennis, I heb drie CFULLHDMAi apparaten in huis. Ik heb altijd netjes de firmware geupgraded, maar het lijkt erop dat de laatste tijd steeds minder films zich nog laten afspelen. Heb je een idee of daar nog iets aan te doen is? Kan ik bijvoorbeeld op een andere manier in het apparaat komen?

  18. S. Raziuddin says:

    I have one of these:
    Ione USB 2.0 / RJ-45 Network Attached Storage (NAS) Enclosure

    I had lost it but recently found it. I can no longer connect to it via SMB on Mac OS X Maverick. I am able to access it via the net but not being able to connect via SMB is a pain.

    It has Loader66. Can I update it to new firmware from your site? The web interface does show that it can update the firmware.

  19. quattro says:

    Hello Dennis,

    perhaps you remember me, we had a few conversations in the bug-tracking system for the CFULLHDMAi. I just wanted to let you know that I am still using this device a lot. Recently it developed some signs of old age like crashes under heat. I’m not ready to part with it yet so I took it apart and drilled some holes in the casing to improve ventilation:

    best regards,

  20. Grin ;-)
    I dunno if I have 1 device left. I changed to Boxee and Raspberry Pi. Next to that I am out of that business ..
    but it is great to see that people still can use the device ;-)

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