In 1.16.02 we added Youtube support for CFULLHDMAi
I saw some people asking if we could implement it for CFULLHDMA. So please add comments to request it! No request, no implementation.
In 1.16.02 we added Youtube support for CFULLHDMAi
I saw some people asking if we could implement it for CFULLHDMA. So please add comments to request it! No request, no implementation.
Yes please!
No thanks.
there are better things to implement or to improve.
…good idea!!! Please do it!!!
Natuurlijk toevoegen !
” there are better things to implement or to improve.”
Witch ?
Why try to suppress other people wishes, you are not the only person in the world.
The question was who want’s Youtube
Would be very nice to implement. Content is king! So: yes: wannahave!
Would be nice to see this feature on the CFHDMA though it shouldn’t be at the cost of other improvements and fixes ;)
We need it now!
Je kunt toch all YouTube bekijken met de CFFULLHDMA?
Als dit wat toevoegt of het minder omslachtig maakt, graag!!!!
Please do so! It’s working voor the CFULLDMAI, so why don’t make it avaible for the older devices?
yes, please add it now! And thank you…
Please do it !!!
Graag toevoegen. Als dit gebruikersvriendelijker kan (voor vrouw en dochter) dan wordt dit mijn hoofdreden om de cfullhdma aan mijn thuisnetwerk te koppelen.