Just got a confirmation from my contacts: RDC has released NAS-BASIC48 to vendor(s) no loader change. The NAS-BASIC48 has been released to fix Microsoft Vista bugs.
indeed in the webinterface there is mention of wget stuff, but there is no function addressed to it yet. Even the release notes of RDC does not mention it
I am waiting for the files now, so that I can release it asap.
I’ve released the NAS-BASIC48.. (not tested yet. Probably later today)
firmware tested, the wget stuff is bogus as the cgi is not included (probably also too big to be included into the memory and maybe this html is also used for the 2891 chipset
New is in the GUIÂ that there is now more info aobut the HDD inserted.
Extra disk info: – FW: wx. “3.AAE” – SN: ex. “5LS3AG02”
Update information for RDC2882 chipset: this chipset will be phased out Q1 2008. Af from today the latest version of the firmware is the latest one(s) available from my website http://www.aroundmyroom.com/landisk
total focus of RDC is now the RDC2891 and from Q2 2008 the RDC2892 chipset