Server Down

We are back from Barcelona. Wonderful time. More info later 

After a power switch-off the server was down for 2 days. due to a failing network card. Has something to do with a CentOS kernel update cause when switching back to an old kernel all is working fine. When the new kernel is running all seems to work fine but no network activity.

No idea what the issue is.

Date & Time @ server

Damn the xs4all time server has some issues. It’s messing up the system time at my server. (and all my logfiles) .. Pffffffff. Removing it from webserver admin interface to see if problem is solved. If so than above IP is really making a mess of it

Problem of time @ server has to do with update CentoS (3.5) 4.3 to CentOS 4.4 when fully yum updated more BlueQuartz / CentOS users suffer from same issue. I changed Timezone setting to another timezone applying and then putting it back to the normal timezone. Let see if the logfile is giving me the correct time now.

SiFR, WordPress and hyperlinks

A tip for people trying to use SiFR titles but cannot click the link: create a span class in which you are going to use the text and URL.

<h2><span class=”flash”><a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2></span>

When using not a span class than the hyperlink will NOT work. Above code can be wrong. Tips are welcome ;-) (but it’s working)

The Archives

Last week I wrote Justin about a bug with his plugin and phpadsnew. No direct solution. No problem for me, cause then I am looking for alternatives. And to be honest: I found a much more suitable plugin for this PlayGround.

So I found info at Sons at Skadi about Extended Live Archive and now I use 0.10beta R18

From the site: Some time ago, Jonas Rabbe released his wonderful Super Archives Plugin. Based on an idea discussed on Binary Bonsai, this plugin implements a dynamic, AJAXified way of digging into the archives of a blog.

And that is what we do now. I am happy. Broken archive problem solved. The only issue left is that I think that after writing a new entry the cache is totally rewritten and/or a very slow index of that archive.

Message To Self: Widgets

r-win maakte me opmerkzaam met de vraag (in de mail) of ik me al met Widgets voor WordPress heb bezig gehouden.

Kort antwoord: Nee. Maar ik kom hier erg snel op terug. Deze Link maar eens uitspitten wanneer ik aan de shake zit.

via r-win

Update: Wdiget(s): ik blijk er al een paar te hebben, maar bovenstaande URL is ook wel geinig. Probleem edoch is dat mijn sidebar uit tweegedeelten bestaat en de wijze waarop de widget sidebar in elkaar zit is toch anders (Niet iets wat ik zo 1-2-3 wil). Dus gaan we ons eens focussen op een ander type menu wat bovenin komt te hangen. ;-) (kan wel even duren trouwens).