Art & Images banners

Are you a photographer? Do you have images like the ones you see now in my header signature? Send me your image you like (size 643 * 180 at minimum) and if I like it too: it will be included in the header image and there will be a redirect on the header to your website.

This is free and the only limitation is that you grant me the usage of the image for this website (and you must own the copyright of that image. What kind of images: sexy, funny, happy as it fits in the concept of AroundMyRoom’s Playground.

Take a shot and submit it to me (you can mail me at dennis [ a/t ]

A funny thing

I use phpadsnew and it’s a funny thing. Slowly I am getting and using mutliple header files. Right now there are some headers only to be seen for Friends, Collegues etc. This can be done by choosing a range of IP addresses. When an IP address is passing by the script will detect this and than it can display the image. As I have mutiple headers it’s randomly displayed as I am not having limited campaigns in use.

So I think I found a great way of using rotating banners with an php ads tool without having ads and/or to be paid. Yes I use the Google-Ads also together with phpmyads and it seems to work (I’m not 100% sure yet).


Finally, Commodore has a new website, including a weblog a games store and corperate website.

At the weblog they are trying to create some buzz with some YourTube video’s with info about their new projects. It’s great to see that they are actually developing. Altough I think Viral Marketing is great: they have to buzz better. Use the Scene people. Get weblogs writing about you (Hey that’s what I am doing) and I am even nog being paid for it …..

Euh Yeah, I did some things for the Commdore-brand … something with a music player ;-) so that’s why I can / will write about it <G>

Knip en Plak

Met veel knip, plak en F5 werk eindelijk het header gedeelte ongeveer zoals het zou moeten zijn. Maar die CSS ziet er toch echt belabberd en beroerd uit. Moet toch makkelijker kunnen lijkt me. Maar goed. De basis is nu gelegd en ik heb een aantal images in de rotator staan, die automatisch roterend tevoorschijn komen op een bepaald moment (aan de hand van tijd / datum op de server). Je zal de aankomende tijd gewoon af en toe langs moeten komen om te zien dat de header elke keer weer wijzigd en anders is op tijdstippen / data.