Old info (back from 2004) .. but never seen this .. it’s kewl .. to see what could happen.
‘In the Year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline.
The fourth Estate’s fortunes have waned.
What happened to the news? And what is EPIC ?
Old info (back from 2004) .. but never seen this .. it’s kewl .. to see what could happen.
‘In the Year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline.
The fourth Estate’s fortunes have waned.
What happened to the news? And what is EPIC ?
Oeps .. loser uploaded a PHPShell tool to the server trying to ‘hack’ and upload things to the server
I tracked all his actions. Thank you.
This means the tool I used for the ‘funny’ upload stuff has been removed. Bad Script. User blocked, reports to FBI, CIA, FEDS, BVD, KGB, AOC, DBH, KGD, PBD, ADH, PQKD and many more.
En weer een nieuw utility geinstalleerd op deze webserver: denyhosts en dat is dan weer in een mooi pakketje gegoten voor Bluequartz met CentOS. Bluequartz is een server management service system gebaseerd op Cobalt GUI.
Update: in een paar uurtjes dat het script draait heb ik al 3 lusers die proberen via ssh hier binnen te komen
Kewl script dat deny.hosts
Yesterday I tried to install an optional module for Bluequartz with Centos: the so called Blue Firewall ™
It works, but unfortunately, SNMP and other services like FTP will stop working (FTP stops working every hour or so and for SNMP opening port 161 is no solution.
So the module does not serve my needs.
en weer up. Config foutje. Oeps… paar uurtjes geen websites meer benaderbaar .. dom dom dom. weer wat geleerd ;-)
After I moved to a new server, the upload script I used did not function anymore.
Today I found a nice new upload php script which is installed. Upload your funny stuff (whatever you like)
and if you have enough uploaded: check the page devoted to the Page3 girls. Sun makes a mess of their website, so we archive the girls in a better way.
test plugin ..
upload archive including date ..
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