
trying to unlock my aroundtheworld.net domain from dotster .. still no go. Helpdesk informed
keep the process posted

update: 06-10-05
received message that the upgrade procedure changed but they found an issue with my namewinner domain. Wrote that it has been fixed

But still no go, still the operation is not permitted
Again submitted a message to have it fixed. Slowly I am beginning to get a feeling.

MT Error #2

config MT:
ImageDriver NetPBM
NetPBMPath /usr/local/netpbm/bin

Files are present in this folder but thumbnails are no go with 3.2 (gallery.menalto.com is working fine with it)
anyone an idea how to debug this problem?

:: fixed it :: 1 perl module was not yet installed

MT Errors ..

PHP Notice: Undefined index: PluginSwitch in /home/.sites/106/site3/web/mt/php/mt.php on line 180
PHP Notice: Undefined index: SchemaVersion in /home/.sites/106/site3/web/mt/php/mt.php on line 180
PHP Notice: Undefined index: PluginSwitch in /home/.sites/106/site3/web/mt/php/mt.php on line 180

I got this message in my error_log of my http server. Thought it was a bug / problem in PHP
but in fact it are just normal messages about values and other settings not used.

changing the PHP.INI (error section) not loggin ALL messages anymore solved this issue quickly

The answer took some days (still one issue not answered by the sixapart team) but this one is solved

Mixfreaks Podcast #24

When you think: there will be no updates anymore: AroundMyroom publishes another Podcast
Probably the feed will not work but real fans will get it ..

The ‘Themes’
number 24 in the whole series I’ve created.

The one and only Podcast without spoken work where the Music is played Maximal. Here you will hear rare stuff you probably never will hear on the radio due to it’s length or rareness

challenge: name the themes in the comments

Gezocht een klein scriptje ..

Ik zoek een klein perl / php scriptje die het volgende kan doen

naast elkaar een 4tal foto’s tonen (en daarna een volgende serie eronder)

Wat moet er gebeuren:
http://www.page3.com/models2005/katie1_16_08_05.jpg (yep, de page3 girls)
er moet vanuit een index.html pagina de http://www.page3.com/models2005/ ge-extract worden waar
de variabele: [naam]%var1_var2 is
zie http://nieuws.aroundmyroom.com/page3/

iemand aanwezig die dit leukt lijkt om in elkaar te brouwen?

test mt 3.2

Troubles MT 3.2
– username change for management
– problem with quota. Seems to work, cause user >500MB .. data and therefore all entries went 0 bytes
– fixed it after finding issue in knowledgebase

checking news.aroundmyroom.com now
I’m planning upgrade the layout of the site (this one soon)

Server related stuff

– opgelost: alle problemen van de gebruikers met gallery
– gefixed; problemen met nieuws.aroundmyroom.com (verkeerd rebuild, missende perl modules en het niet kunnen updaten van de site via crontab.

al met al kostte dit even een avondje ..

maar nieuws.aroundmyroom.com draait weer. Enige wat ik moet toevoegen zijn de feeds want dat ging door de upgrade niet geheel goed.