CentOS, Bluequartz:
Virtual Sites:
Under Bluequartz & CentoS we do work with Virtual Hosts and name VirtualHost
httpd.conf is not configured for virtualhosts, the vhosts are included throough their own configfile: .. vhosts/site1, vhosts/site2 etc.
The first VirtualHost starting with the NameVirtualHost, in my situation I used the IP address of the server. Internally it is working, but I’m not in a life environment yet.
# owned by VirtualHost
bla bla bla
Now if using a 2nd virtual host do not use another NameVirtualHost setting anymore: comment it out
Reminder: do use your external IP address in the configuration screen and edit the configfile afterwards, the config file is than ready to use.
Of course it could be possible to use your external IP also, but I had problems with than intially. Maybe if needed I change it ;-)
It took me about 1 hour to configure 13 domains, virtualhosts and e-mail aliasses ..