up down problem & podcast

today various problems: ADSL line not in sync anymore, had to go to our location to reset the ADSL modem.

Then we noticed that the NAPT table was corrupt. We could not update, remove, add items correctly anymore
We could not reboot the DSL from the HTML interface (only disconnect available). So we restarted the device with the reboot command from Telnet. After this warm reboot the NAPT table was working nicely and the webservers were available again.

So we were down, went up and went down due to the port 80 issue.

Than I noticed that the Episode 21 of the Mixcast was not uploaded so some xml index files were not correctly updated. I think this is fixed also now.

up down problem & podcast

today various problems: ADSL line not in sync anymore, had to go to our location to reset the ADSL modem.

Then we noticed that the NAPT table was corrupt. We could not update, remove, add items correctly anymore
We could not reboot the DSL from the HTML interface (only disconnect available). So we restarted the device with the reboot command from Telnet. After this warm reboot the NAPT table was working nicely and the webservers were available again.

So we were down, went up and went down due to the port 80 issue.

Than I noticed that the Episode 21 of the Mixcast was not uploaded so some xml index files were not correctly updated. I think this is fixed also now.

reblog movabletype en categories

Just found out that ‘reblog‘ as plugin of Movabletype has a ‘glitch’ when using it at my reblog news page

when submitting more than 1 entry within a category all is fine: all indexes are updated (main, monthly archive, individual and category index), but if you submit more than 1 entry through reblog only the first entry is updated in all indexes. All other entries are only updated within the frontpage, monthly archive and individual page but the category page is not updated.

Took me some hours this evening to find out it’s not a problem with ‘owner files’ or template problems . .

Mixfreaks Podcast #21

‘A Tribute to Armin’
Mixcast 21 in the series of The Mixfreaks Podcast.

The one and only Podcast without spoken work where the Maxi’s are played Maximal. Here you will hear rare stuff you probably never will hear on the radio due to it’s length.

At this site my Mixcast is cached so that you can download it much more faster than from my own server (this is the xs4all/mixfreaks/podcastfeed link)

Artist performing: Stuff from Armin ..

Please note: if you want to use my podcasts to broadcast to radio: this is not a suitable quality. Please contact me.

Mixfreaks Podcast #20

‘The Special One!’
Mixcast 20 in the series of The Mixfreaks Podcast.

The one and only Podcast without spoken work where the Maxi’s are played Maximal. Here you will hear rare stuff you probably never will hear on the radio due to it’s length.

At this site my Mixcast is cached so that you can download it much more faster than from my own server (this is the xs4all/mixfreaks/podcastfeed link)

Artist performing: Alphaville, Sandra, Robert Miles, Mr. Lee, Sash, Timex Social Club, Midnight Star, M.N. Walden, Phil Collins, Bronski Beat ..

Today: if you comment with your e-mail address you will receive a download link for a 128Kbps version of the 20th podcast.

Please note: if you want to use my podcasts to broadcast to radio: this is not a suitable quality. Please contact me.

Mixfreaks Podcast #19

‘The Themes!’
Mixcast 19 in the series of The Mixfreaks Podcast.

The one and only Podcast without spoken work where the Maxi’s are played Maximal. Here you will hear rare stuff you probably never will hear on the radio due to it’s length.

At this site my Mixcast is cached so that you can download it much more faster than from my own server (this is the xs4all/mixfreaks/podcastfeed link)

Today: Jeff Wayne, Shaft, Shapeshifters, S-Xpress, ET, James Bond & System F enjoy the Mixcast ‘Themes’ episode

Please note: if you want to use my podcasts to broadcast to radio: this is not a suitable quality. Please contact me.

Ilse’s blogsearch

Noteert u het even: De blogsearch van ilse zoekt nu ook naar de robots.txt. Dus wellicht kan je hem straks ook excluden .. ;-)

Ikzelf vind de blogsearch nog niet je van het.
Ik zie een ‘wait-period’ van ongeveer 24 uur voordat een entry getoond wordt. Kon ik redelijk opmaken uit resultaten van een feed/site van mij die (en dat is dan wel weer knap) hooguit 48 uur bestaat en door mij nergens officieel is aangemeld (of het moet een verloren ‘ping’ zijn geweest.

Dus enkele vragen voor de mensen van de weblogzoeker:
hoe voegen ze feeds toe? want nieuws.aroundmyroom.com is gloedje nieuw
hoe snel wordt de blogsearch geupdated?
hoe kun je zoeken op betere keywoorden binnen blogs / sites?

Updatee: wat antwoorden vanuit ilse:
>>hoe voegen ze feeds toe? want >nieuws.aroundmyroom.com is gloedje nieuw
A: we spideren het web en komen daar nieuwe weblog(postings) tegen, deze nemen we automatisch mee.
>>hoe snel wordt de blogsearch geupdated?
A:dat verschilt per weblog, momenteel maximaal om de 2 uur, maar voor veel weblogs wat trager. Er wordt aan gewerkt om de update snelhied omhoog te voeren.

Dank je Nils .. Ik blijf de spider volgen ;-)

Nieuws @ here

Nieuws AroundMyroom. Een paar dagen hard werk met Templates, CSS en vele tags .. het resultaat zie je hier ..

In plaats van te lullen over nieuwe ‘technieken’ en ontwikkelingen moet je het gewoon zelf doen om te weten wat het nu exact is.

Nieuws.AroundMyroom is een Reblog, er worden entries geblogged die via andere sources gehaald worden.
In mijn geval sources met nieuws uit: binnenland, buitenland, page3, sport en internet & technology. Page3 is m’n trots van ‘scrapedfeeds ;-)

Via een database kan ik deze entries ‘publishen’ in reblog en via wat crontab, perl en natuurlijk een rss feed met wat ander script materiaal wordt het geimporteerd binnen de Nieuws Weblog wat ik hiervoor heb ingericht.

Uiteindelijk krijg je dan een weblog met entries waarvan ik denk: die zijn het lezen waar. Geweldig !

De lay zal ik denk ik gaan toepassen op AroundMyRoom dus dat wordt weer een project als ik zin heb en krijgt AroundMyRoom een ander gezicht.

Mixfreaks Podcast #18

‘Surprise it’s weekend!’
Mixcast 18 in the series of The Mixfreaks Podcast.

Enjoy the best Classic Stuff

The one and only Podcast without spoken work where the Maxi’s are played Maximal. Here you will hear rare stuff you probably never will hear on the radio due to it’s length.

At this site my Mixcast is cached so that you can download it much more faster than from my own server (this is the xs4all/mixfreaks/podcastfeed link)

Today: ABBA, Anjali, Apotheosis, Incognito, BB&Q Band, Stevie V, BVSMP, Joyce Sims, Black Machine, Georgio and Dr. Kucho

Please note: if you want to use my podcasts to broadcast to radio: this is not a suitable quality. Please contact me.