Google Adsense Tip

Al die specialisten snappen het en lullen elkaar na en uiteindelijk heb je er nog niets aan. Maar ik doe het gewoon op mijn manier en kom zo tot verassende bevindingen. En jawel hoor die wil ik wel delen. Dus hierbij een AMR Tip ™.

Gooi de meest vervelende adsense advertenties in de ban want die leveren toch niets op. Sinds ik een aantal vervelende, altijd maar weer opduikende, adsense adverteerders in de ban heb gegooid gaat het stukken beter ..

Paris, the situation, and the Spicy BBQ Six Dollar Burger are ‘hot.’


“I Love Paris in the Springtime”

Carl’s Jr. confirmed on Friday that it would air a sexy TV spot starring Paris Hilton to support its Spicy BBQ Six Dollar Burger
The 30-second spot would premiere on Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday, May 17, with “behind-the-scenes footage from the filming of the ad.”

Carl’s Jr. website will relaunch on May 19. (but I see that a lot has changed already)

“There will be opportunities to see and do things on the site that aren’t available on traditional fast-food Web sites and, of course, we will be the only source for the ‘too hot for TV’ version of the Paris Hilton ad,”

Something tells me that the whole ‘not-to-be-aired’ add is just a commercial stunt to attract people to Carls Jr and Paris. Marketing.. Marketing.. And it’s working

Feeburner #2

I’ve enabled the redirect to feedburner feed support again. (after turning it off due to the tag ping issues last week)
The tag issue resolved after changing/adding the tags to the atom feed.
I first will start feedburner to use the xml(1.0/2.0) and rdf feeds. If that keeps working together I will add the atom feed and check if the technorati tags keep working than.

Yes, I think the tag thing is ok: some tags do generate a lot of good traffic overhere ;-)

backlog of tags

I notice that slowly the tags I entered yesterday are accepted / entered into the technorati tag list. Finally. There must be a huge backlog of tags not entered yet.

update: but … not all tags are taken. Ie. This entry as 3 tags:
tags, backlog and aroundmyroom. Only the AroundMyRoom tag is entered (32 minutes ago) into the database. Where is ‘tags and backlog’ mentioned?
Correct: you will not find them. Uhmmm

interesting interview about the company

With much interest I heard the interview of my CEO and one of my collegues. About blogs and blogging within the company.

Started from 2001 I can say that I am the most experienced blogger within the company.

My weblog is personal and sometimes about the technology I work with.
I work for 2L / Conceptronic (daughter company) and busy with developing OEM/ODM products, from that position as Technical Manager Business Development I cannot talk much: competition is watching and reading.

I probably think that many want to know my opinion about this interview:
Sorry you do not get it. I’ve my reasons for it, and if you want to know it: visit my desk … but insiders may know that it has to do with IT related development issues and that I will not be that positive about it.

But I want to emphasize that I am happy the CEO knows that blogging can be a tool to communicate.