WoooooWWW anoter celebrity is going to divorce ..
Sara? Sex and the City? Ring any bell?
yes source is reliable [LOL]
WoooooWWW anoter celebrity is going to divorce ..
Sara? Sex and the City? Ring any bell?
yes source is reliable [LOL]
WoooooWWW anoter celebrity is going to divorce ..
Sara? Sex and the City? Ring any bell?
yes source is reliable [LOL]
New pr0n as tags do not work. Very wierd, so we start to do some tests
Sorry about this.
– Technorati tag test: 1 keyword ‘AroundMyRoom’
Gerard gave me a hint about the technorati tags: put them in your RSS feed
problem here: I do not use the MTEntryBody tag but the MTEntryExcerpt tag. the Body tag includes images etc, and I have Mod_Rewrite in use causing images not to popup in feeds. Therefore the Excerpt.
one thing I did was to extend th Excerpt with more words. Than check upon the Technorati Tag
Checking my feed (tip Gerard) I hardly could find or understand how to implement it. The technorati idea is not my idea as I do not want only technorati tags to be related to my categories.
Than I found the weblog of Yezbick and an entry about MT and Technorati. He just added the technorati tag (plugin) into his feeds. How simple.
Probably now all my pings and tags will be accepted by Technorati
door slim gebruik te maken van een wiki systeem van de provider van Erwin kon ik zijn RSS probleem snel oplossen. D’r werken trouwens geen slimme helpdeskers daar want ze konden Erwin niet wijzen op dit probleem EN oplossing ..
Erwin geeft trouwens direct een goede tip ;-)
Wierd behaviour Technorati: pings being processed only after hours, pings totally not processed resulting in: tags not working or not added.
Wierd behaviour of Technorati. Someone an idea why?
or is there something else written in her vagina region?
Celeb nipslip: Geri Halliwell
I had not seen this but the company: LionsGate films shot the movie The House of D with Good Morning Vietnam star: Robbin Williams and Celebrity David Duchovny. As Director of this film David created at the LionsGate directors page a: Weblog, VideoCast en Podcast site
WOW .. that’s to attract your fans and audience .. a good tool to promote ‘the film’
Ron Moore is doing the same (including podcasts) for the new series of BattleStar Galactica but as they are shooting season 2 now the blog is not updated for 1 month almost.
Our soon to be mother of hopefully a healthy child is getting bigger and bigger .. Her husband/boyfriend does not care about the health of his unborn child; he keeps smoking a cigarette in the neighbourhood of Britney