according to E-online Jennifer Garner is already 3 months pregnant. Proof would be from insiders and
These recent pics of Ben Affleck’s newest lover should back up their claims.
Tara’s bad liposuction
Tara’s bad liposuction. Auch… We wait for the Tara & Tommy Private movie.
Blogger Mobile
Blogger Mobile has been launched. (only for some US citizens).
I am still waiting for Movabletype/SixApart to implement MobLog features by Default
Celebs at AroundMyRoom
We start with Alyssa, high quality images. Expect more in the next days/weeks/months. Celebs @ AroundMyRoom. Quality Paparazzi images
How to Block Google’s Web Accelerator
Create an .htaccess file with the following lines
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^72.14.192.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/google.html$
RewriteRule ^.*$ /google.html
I’ve implemented above. So no webaccelerator from Google will enter AroundMyRoom .. (if above is working correctly)
Thanks to the Fantomaster
The Google Web Accelerator Fiasco
This site covers all about Yesterday’s published new tool of Google. The so called: web accelerator
Google Web Accelerator
Save time online by loading web pages faster; Google’s Web Accelerator
Designed for Broadband and in a downloadable file.
Mmmm I’ve 8Mbit down. Faster? not necessary.
:: through Googles Lab Track RSS feed by
update: reading the comments made on the web accelerator the service must be a fiasco and a pain in the ass for many webmasters
A critic note ..
after some investment someone is going to earn huge money from your podcasts .. Maybe not now directly but probably in the nearby future.
Podcasting: for the happy few. Cause it’s too diffult to create one. You need too much gear and than… you are making radio saved in MP3.
That’s it.
ImageShack photoblogging
Imageshack has a new feature: photoblogging
Create your own photoweblog using storage and bandwidth of Imageshack
Audblog fixing things?
When you are reading this weblog once in a while you know that I have a problem with Audblog
Even after a message from and to Noah nothing changed at Audblog (it seemed).
This morning trying to login: new / wierd screens [mirror]. After 5 minutes everything was normal again and my problems still do exist.
I only want to add/change the Weblog API so that I can publish to weblog 6 of my weblog configuration. That’s all. And it is still not possible. A pitty cause Audblog is a very good tool for ‘podcasting’ to your weblog through your GSM.