Las week I created an entry with only ‘Naked Stuff’ in the hyperlink this boosted sales from my affiliate account at amazon. in 7 days I sold more than 8 items!
Amazon; always something in it for you.
Las week I created an entry with only ‘Naked Stuff’ in the hyperlink this boosted sales from my affiliate account at amazon. in 7 days I sold more than 8 items!
Amazon; always something in it for you.
Op verzoek van is deze entry verwijderd. Het probleem waarmee men kampte is opgelost.
Nokia Lifeblog creates a diary of all your mobile phone’s photos, videos, text messages, and multimedia messages. It’s the living timeline that’s easy to browse, search, edit, and save – on both your PC and mobile!
Together with Sixapart’s Typepad the Lifeblog items will look great online. With a push of a button, your photos, videos, and other Lifeblog items look just the way you want.
Uhm.. my T610 is useless.
Ambroos maakt van staagsgeheim nu Geenstijl Business Blog
vraag me af of tie nog wat gaat doen met zijn PHP RSS aggegrator ..
I’ve removed the Approval Tool for comments. Will insert it again if stuff gets annoying again
Ben Liebrand interviewde Dennis Slagers voor In The Mix
Backstage interview 21-05-2004
26 minuten waarin we veel te weten komen over De Mixfreaks
Mailinglijst en Ben Liebrand zelf ;-)
New version MovableType 3.16 released.
Tonight I will update my weblogs with the new version.
a lot of things fixed/added/changed
In beta
For all the news junkies among us.
Although it is mostly fiction, there are many truths to The Scene.
Student Brian Sandro has a secret: he and his frieds pirate hundreds of millions of dollars of illicit Hollywood movies in their spare time. They are revered, reviled, hunted and admired. No one knows who they are 0- at least, not as far as they know
10 days ago I wrote that I was mad about ‘Audblog‘
This morning I received a message from Noah Glass, creator of Audblog. He received the message from the weblog and apologizes and asking what is my problem. I have mailed him about my issue not able to change my blog-id and URL and now I am waiting for a solution.
A message that travels from weblog to the person who can do something about it. Kewl.