a podcast question

What are the RIAA and BREIN saying about Podcasts?
Are we entitled to use music when podcasting? Is it royalty free?
Do we have to pay money to podcast? Is it allowed to have your MP3 in 64,96, 128 or even higher MP3 encoded files?

So question: how do you keep Podcasting legal?

Intussen in het CMS van Nieuws.nl

: vrij naar Tonie.net :

Via een te simpel account zit ik nu te snuffelen in de CMS van Nieuws.nl, supersimpel CMS en leuk om de stats en andere informatie te zien.
Ook ik ben netjes: geen fake-bericht a la de Deelder-mop. Ik zou niet willen weten wat voor een effect dit zou hebben als zoiets op nieuws.nl getoond zou worden.

Het openstaande account vermeld ik nergens maar iedereen met een klein beetje gezond verstand is binnen een paar minuten binnen.
Een vriendelijk verzoek om de database via phpmyadmin met rust te laten.

Ik zeg: maar da’s een leuk cms zeg. (vrij naar Tonie.net)

** Update: ze zijn wakker, CMS is dicht maar de statistieken zijn nog steeds bereikbaar via hetzelfde username en paswoord. Ze mogen blij zijn dat ik geen duizenden bezoekers per dag heb ;-) **

Boobiethon 2004


For the third year in a row, bloggers all over North America are baring it all for breast cancer research until October 10

Female and male bloggers alike submitted photographs of their breasts, both bare and covered, for the cause. The covered (yet sexy) breasts are featured on a free, public, possibly-not-work-safe area of the site.

:: Boobiethon 2004 ::

Paris Sex Video Part II ???

Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ writes that the English tabloid News of the world reports that they have an 11 hour ‘sex’ video of Paris Hilton.
Even she should have been taped saying, “Paris Hilton Part Two: How to roll a joint!”.

Anyone sources to the tape/video? I want to be ahead of the others ;-) (I have already seen season1 and 2 of The Simple Life already (bittorent is awesome)). Here in Holland season 1 starts this week I believe

high season

It’s high season here @ work so its only work work and again work what I am doing; so weblog updating is not that much.

The only thing worth to mention is that due to the redirect I made for old archive entries I get more realistic numbers of total hits for this weblog. Only referals from other websites to single entries are not counted.

week archives

my week archives from long time ago were not functioning anymore.
till today they were generating a 404 error. I was not happy with the 404 error (customized page) and therefore I created a rewriterule. People coming from another page who was refering to my week archive style are now redirected to the weblog. You can search or use the Monthly archives or otherwise use the Category index