Plesk 9.01 & Firewall activation issues

the update of Plesk 9.01 is causing a serious issue on the firewall.

Trying to activate the firewall is causing an error message: proc_close() failed: mktime()

Unfortunately 2 IP’s I configured to use SSH were changed: 1 DSL IP due to moving our office and 1 DSL IP due to change at my ISP. oh oh .. no IP allowed to use SSH anymore.

With the help of Tommy Leushuis of Leaseweb I managed to turn off the firewall (yeah). Stopping the firewall made me able to use SSH again.

problem lays here: /usr/local/psa/var/modules/firewall/

the file is not updated. Changing manually the file and run it is activating the correct configuration again. Using the firewall commands from the plesk web interface is not possible. Cause all changes made by another script is overwritten by the again.

I changed the ran it and started the firewall again. Problem Solved!