
Eindelijk! Admatch is gestart. Een advertentie netwerk voor bloggers. Ik heb admatch nu in mijn phpmyadsnew and gewoon in mijn page geimplementeerd. Eens kijken of het werkt en of er op geklikt wordt ;-) xs4all is de eerste adverteerder geloof ik met (maar die site werkt niet) ..

tjsa.. de lancering gaat met horten en stoten .. (korte url) tsja.. kort is tie, maar hetzelfde principe doe ik al een hele tijd onder

of tie nu superkort is of gewoon kort: het maakt superlange URL’s korter in direct bruikbare hyperlinks zodat het in e-mail niet direct afgekapt wordt.


Reblogging news for own purposes

Finally found a way to reblog news in the way I want.

Using reblog with wp-autoblog, Reblog is creating the rss feed for me and autoblog is making it available as posts in my quick weblog. Finally getting rid of Movabletype which is consuming too much resources with perl.

After watching S1 of Prison Break the last few days we can start modifying the news website the way I want it. The basis is there, now the rest. Collect and publish news I find interesting. Oh yeah and the ads will be there that’s part of the deal ;-)


Busy with auto-blogging, to see if things work as I want ;-) the only problem is with categories. No idea if there is a tool available for that which is GNU/GPL (yeah I know autoblogger, but that’s toooo expensive)


Online / Offline

In het kader van: we upgraden ons DSL modem weer eens: gisteravond allerlei vreemde disconnects. Dus kunnen we weer een aantal uren ‘werken’ om uit te vissen wat het probleem zou kunnen zijn en/of is.


just a working day

yesterday, wake up 03.30, by car at 04.00 to Schiphol, arriving Schiphol 05.15, boarding 06.00, into the air 06.30, landing Barcelona 08.25, walking to train 8.35, taking train to work 9.01, changing train line 10 to line 1 (station Sants 9.35), taking wrong train direction 9.55, waiting for train to leave again 10.05, arriving station 10.15 start work. Leave office around 19.00 arriving hotel 19.15, walking to collegue/boss 19.45, going out to Champagneria, drinking 3 bottles cava, drinking vino (wine) at the best place in town (special wine bar) 22.15, going out for dinner nearby at cocina international 22.30, talking, drinking, talking walking back to hotel 00.45, arriving hotel 01.15 …..

next day

06.30 wake-up, 07.00 breakfast, 7.15 picked up by collegue/boss, 7.30 in the office, work, leave office for lunch 14.35, back to work 15.20, leave office again at 19.15, arriving hotel 19.30, drinking 2 beers at bar 20.00, going to room watch downloaded episode 4 of Heroes (WOW!) 21.00, be prepared to have be picked up at 21.45, Dinner at 22.00 back home in hotel ???? …

Live is beautiful. Oh b.t.w. today: RAIN, THUNDER, LIGHTNING in Barcelona ;-)