CFULLHDMA: Share content to analyze

It could be possible that you encounter an issue with a certain multimediafile (music / video / photo) during playback on the CFULLHDMA.

To analyze your issue it is important to have exactly the same content you are using. A lot of people do not have the ability to provide the content themselves, but are able to upload.

If you have issues and want to share them with me: upload your content to my FTP server. Create a folder and put there the file including a text file with the issue (English language please) – Username: conceptronic – Password: cfullhdma

You can upload, resume etc.. but you cannot download .. so do not bother trying (but you will) … If this FTP ability is successful I will keep using it, otherwise I will close the FTP again.

For freaks: I use a little updated version of these PROFTPD settings to prevent downloading and some other things ..

HP-C5280 Photosmart Label print problem

During my summerholiday in China (1 month) I received several reactions from users around Europe writing that they have (had) the same issues with the HP C5280 Photosmart printer as I was reporting in August Due to my database removal I lost some comments.

I do not own this printer myself anymore: after 2 failing devices I got my money back. But customers do report that even revised printers from HP (Those printers should have had an QC (Quality Check) by HP but still do fail the DVD / CD Label printing. I do urge HP to solve this issue as we are still looking for a printer which is capable of doing its job correctly!

HP DVD print problem