I’ve removed the redirect to feedburner for my feeds. I know enough: between 75 and 150 feedreaders (Hi, and thank you for visiting/reading AroundMyRoom), maybe feedburner is the cause for not updating the tags @ technorati in time.
I’ve removed the redirect to feedburner for my feeds. I know enough: between 75 and 150 feedreaders (Hi, and thank you for visiting/reading AroundMyRoom), maybe feedburner is the cause for not updating the tags @ technorati in time.
Hi Dennis – We’re not aware of any issues with Technorati tags not updating regularly (we have a ton of people using Technorati tags that run their feeds through us). If you can drop me a line, we’d be happy to isolate the problem and ensure that things go well – would hate to lose you!
Rick Klau
VP, Business Development
FeedBurner – http://www.feedburner.com
office: 312.442.9490
cell: 630.362.8911