Message to self: Important
When you create a userspace alike ODBC connection in Windows 2008 Server (whatever) it is likely that Access does not allow you to use linked tables as it is requiring a password.
Although you have the ability to store passwords in Access when linking tables through ODBC it is not always working when the ODBC connection is set in the field ‘user’ rather than Machine DataSource/System
The trick is to execute as admin the file c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbc32.exe
Then create the System ODBC connection towards the SQL database, return to your Access file and link the tables (and keep in mind to save the password as well when linking)
I tried above multiple times when the ODBC was in userspace or was (probably) not correctly created (32 versus 64 bits??)
Possible it can also be related that the application pool is 32bits rather then 64bits and the ODBC connection needs 32bits as well .. Hell: if this occurs again, you have some tips ;_)