TMF zuigt

Het geld bij TMF moet verdiend worden met RingTones en onzin SMS

In de aankondiging/programmering zouden we gisteren alle ‘jaarmixen’ (Videojaarmixen wel te verstaan) te zien krijgen van een aantal jaar ..

Wat doen die oetlullen? ze gooien vannacht gewoon tig keer de 2005 videojaarmix in de lucht .
Kijkers worden niet serieus gevonden zo lijkt wel. Oja: 22.000 kijkers op dat moment is dan ook ‘niet’ veel ..

Madonna & Amazon

New beta program of Amazon. Move the mouse over the link ..

Enjoy the new feature


Tis a test, but it should show a new feature

“Product previews are a portal into – directly on your Web site. When users hover over a preview-enhanced link, a small window appears containing valuable content and information about the product you’re advertising, including an image, new and used price, average customer review and availability. It also gives your visitors the ability to add the item directly to their shopping cart. “

Madonna & Amazon

New beta program of Amazon. Move the mouse over the link ..

Enjoy the new feature


Tis a test, but it should show a new feature

“Product previews are a portal into – directly on your Web site. When users hover over a preview-enhanced link, a small window appears containing valuable content and information about the product you’re advertising, including an image, new and used price, average customer review and availability. It also gives your visitors the ability to add the item directly to their shopping cart. “