Registering VMX (Virtual Servers, VMWARE) after messing up ESXI

My Esxi host was messing with me

Some virtual servers where unregistered due to, I dunno. Even after reboot the vmware server lost all its config settings. SSH login password was gone, network was gone ..

So after going back to factory defaults within the GUI I restarted the device, loaded the license key and I saw that all VM’s were gone ..

With following command I got them, one by one, back

vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_directory/VM_name.vmx

if there is a space in the VM_directory escape it by using “VM_directory” (use quotes)

How to upgrade VMWARE 5.5 ESXI with the patches

The help of VMWARE sucks. it tells you what to do but NOT exactly what to do. That, you have to find out yourself

Upgrade your vmware with patch files is being done by: (go to you cli console (ssh))

esxcli software vib update  -d /vmfs/volumes/[DATA-STORE]/[PATCH_FILE].zip

If that does not work use:

esxcli software vib install  -d /vmfs/volumes/[DATA-STORE]/[PATCH_FILE].zip

reboot the machine and you are up and running again.

Xen Server & Xen Orchestra

Messages to self

Xen Server –> working on a notebook with realtek network card.

Notice: the realtek card is causing system lockups. Cause an incorrect driver is loaded. It’s not the 8169 but the 8168 and the 8169 is causing issues !!  so you have to get and compile a different driver. Compiling is only possible using the DDK xen version

After this: working great !!

Message to self 2

Xen Orchestra the webinterface to monitor the xen server:

It took some effort to get it working, with great support of Olivier we got it working ..

Newznab .. video preview

Message to self

If you ever wanted to have a video preview to work with newznab

  1. – make sure ffmpeg is working and added into the config of newznab
  2. – make sure the postprocess.php does refer to the correct ffmpeg version
  3. – make sure that in .htaccess the .ogv file is not being touched. So add the ogv extension
  4. Than make sure that your postprocessing will process it (the tmux newznab tool will do the job).

whoalla ..


Shame, auto image integration instagram from LINK


I have a twitter social plugin running which is auto-posting the tweet into my wordpress blog. Today I want to have my instagram pictures shown in my wordpress (as image). Twitter is sending the instagram image as Link to wordpress.

When being a href the image is not being embedded but the link keeps a link. If the link would be auto-removed than WordPress will show the instagram image ..

Someone an idea how to accomplish this?

Google Publisher Plugin

Krijg ik van de week een e-mail waarin staat dat er een samenwerking is tussen WordPress en Google met een Google Publisher Plugin
Maar dat is leuk .. Lekker handig en snel zelf bepalen waar bijv. de ads komen te staan.
Ik hou wel van experimenten.

De laatste maanden is er een koppeling tussen mijn Twitter account en WordPress actief. Zo spaar ik toch een bepaalde historie voor mezelf op in mijn weblog. Maar echt interessante artikelen heb ik de laatste maanden niet echt geschreven.

Komt ook doordat we verhuist zijn en daar is erg veel tijd in gaan zitten.

Maar goed. Google Publisher Plugin, we gaan kijken of dit ook voor een andere site van ons interessant is of kan zijn .. Ben benieuwd hoe aanpasbaar de ads kunnen zijn.