is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by Brazilian Love Song #isubapp
Tweet: is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by Don’…
is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by Don’t You Know How Much I Love You #isubapp
Tweet: is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by My S…
is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by My Sweet Summer Suite #isubapp
Tweet: is listening to “”43″” by Level 42 #isubapp
is listening to “”43″” by Level 42 #isubapp
Tweet: is listening to “01-Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Me…
is listening to “01-Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Megamix (Complete Frankie) (Brian Butler)” by Dmc Commercial Collection 135 #isubapp
Tweet: is listening to “Grandmaster 90’s” by VA #isubapp
is listening to “Grandmaster 90’s” by VA #isubapp
Tweet: #goedemorgen365 het woordje NIET voert hier de bov…
#goedemorgen365 het woordje NIET voert hier de boventoon…. @ AroundMyRoom’s krib
Shame, auto image integration instagram from LINK
I have a twitter social plugin running which is auto-posting the tweet into my wordpress blog. Today I want to have my instagram pictures shown in my wordpress (as image). Twitter is sending the instagram image as Link to wordpress.
When being a href the image is not being embedded but the link keeps a link. If the link would be auto-removed than WordPress will show the instagram image ..
Someone an idea how to accomplish this?
Tweet: is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by Baby…
is listening to “Love Unlimited Orchestra” by Baby Blues #isubapp