New theme for Erotica. I had some problems with the banner(s) in the ‘old’ theme, now it’s nice
Hoe dom kun je zijn – – [26/Nov/2006:19:17:21 +0100] “GET /erotica/feed HTTP/1.1” 200 12309 “-” “uTorrent/1600
mijn webfeed proberen te benaderen met een utorrent client. Rare gast die
a site which is not available anymore, but there were many many nice kewl pics to be found. You came here by entering the keyword ‘’ to serve your human needs: find here some links which can meet your desire
Bezig met de gallery
Vandaag Bezig met de erotica gallery. Heb een redelijk snel systeem gevonden waarin de affiliate info meegenomen wordt in de gallery zodat mensen mooi zich kunnen aanmelden voor een abonnement ;-)
Message To Self: .htaccess redirect
Redirecting an old folder to a new folder goes like this:
redirect permanent /pr0n       
This will redirect all permalinks to the correct new folder. It took me some time to figure this out (again). Took the .htacces from my backup and ready ;-)
Beelden / images van Big Brother & De Gouden Kooi
klik met mate ;-) en vertel het door.
Server Status: updates
General information for users of AroundMyroom,, Mixfreaks, tapas-recepten, and more.Â
- BlueQuartz updates. Major update today with 90 updates for BQ.
- Change of POP3 server. BQ upgraded to Dovecot. Had to enable POPS to have it function properly
- Removed dust from Server
- Backup running [takes about 7 hours]
AroundMyRoom updates
- changed permalinks of AroundMyroom old style to new playground style
- changed permanent folder pr0n to erotica
- installed WordPress and changing styles
Little change
I am getting more happier each day: pr0n changed into Erotica
Cause erotica is expressing much more that part of this playground than the first word.
Boobs on Bikes 2006
Auckland, New Zealand: promotion of erotic exhibition (Erotic Expo): boobs on bikes. And it was approved also ;-)