dns en wat al niet meer

grmbl ..
bemerk ik ineens dat 2 domeinen (incluis. subs) niet meer werken. Lijkt het erop dat mijn ‘gratis’ DNS hoster (Zoneedit) een IP adres van een DNS server gewijzigd heeft.

Boem .. nix meer bereikbaar .. Ben benieuwd of mijn mail nog werkt….. (en wanneer het weer up is wanneer down)
dus e.e.a. maar snel aangepast .. wellicht is dat een oplossing

:: seems to work again ::

Playing with the camera

in 2001 I played with a Pan/Tilt camera. Than I found the girl of my life with that camera (long story, but to make it short: I married her) and now I have another new Pan/Tilt camera running in our ‘office’

Enjoy the AroundMyRoom Cam (and yes you can move the cam, (port 8888 is needed, so proxies can cause it not to work)

transfer aroundtheworld.net

Yesterday the provider fixed their settings and I had to wait for the whois database to be updated
Unlock in progress

today another request for transfer of aroundtheworld.net through the new registrar: success

Some confirmation messages sent and Now waiting to receive e-mails from Dotster to see if it is going to be transferred.
Fingers crossed but till so far: it seems colourful


trying to unlock my aroundtheworld.net domain from dotster .. still no go. Helpdesk informed
keep the process posted

update: 06-10-05
received message that the upgrade procedure changed but they found an issue with my namewinner domain. Wrote that it has been fixed

But still no go, still the operation is not permitted
Again submitted a message to have it fixed. Slowly I am beginning to get a feeling.

yup ech wel

ik merk het: weinig interessants momenteel te vertellen op de weblog.

Het komt wel weer, maar ik heb allerlei andere projecten momenteel die mijn aandacht vragen ..
belangrijkste project is dus jaarmix.nl momenteel en het beheren van m’n Bluequartz/CentOS server