61 thoughts on “CH3SNAS: fun_plug and nzbget

  1. yes, nzbget is doing par itself en unrarring you need a postscript.sh and unrar ..
    My test the last 2 days was 1 crash during unpacking 28GB, but it might an issue of my unrar (still testing) .
    and further it parred and unrarred about 80GB without issue ..

  2. Ruisbak says:

    Nice tut,

    One typo to correct:

    – the nzbget.conf folder must be put in /ffp/etc
    change to:
    – the nzbget.conf script must be put in /ffp/etc

    I must also type: /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/bin# chmod a+x nzbget
    because nzbget was not executable in my case.

    The postprocess.sh file needs to have the full path to unrar, otherwise it doesn’t seem to work.

    Also the ~ needed to be removed in the $MAINDIR=/mnt/HD_a2/usenet
    statement in nzbget.conf

    Hope this helps to make it even more perfect. :-)

    P.S. Why are you using a very old version of unrar?
    For optware unrar_3.7.8-1_arm.ipk is already available.

  3. Ruisbak
    made some changes
    I do not use optware, but I upgraded my rar this week. I put all my binaries in /ffp/bin cause that is also in my PATH statement so I do not have to use a complete path to unrar ;-)

    I also modified the $MAINDIR part, but not tested if it is ok in my environment (but I think so) ..

  4. Ruisbak says:

    Sure, putting unrar in /ffp/bin also fixes the problem but because the tut doesn’t say anything about this you have to tell.

  5. Thanks for the installation instructions. Installation was simple and got it running in no time.

    However, I’ve created a NZB file using binsearch (5,7 MB) which downloaded lots of classic Dr Who series. Unfortunately, some RAR’s were corrupt, so the postprocess script tries to repair stuff using the par libs.

    I’ve got at least one RAR file that it does not want to repair. The NZBGET daemon crashes, dumps its core and halts. I’ve installed all of the libs and scripts you’ve posted, but nevertheless it breaks during repair. I’ve got a couple of core.#### files in my download directory. Anyone a clue how to get things in order?

    p.s. Dennis: ik vind dat je goed bezig bent!!! Door jouw betrokkenheid bij de Conceptronic productlijn heb ik een CH3SNAS gekocht en denk nu dat ik een CFULLHDMA ga halen ;-) Keep up the good work!!!

  6. Hi Chris ..
    dank je ;-)

    de vraag die ik heb is waar je de nzbget vandaan hebt. nzbget crashed namelijk als je de versie download van de maker of van Fonz (op PAR niveau)
    pak de versie die op mijn site staat, die heeft meer dan 150GB in 2 dagen gedownload en toen begon de NAS bijna te roken (figuurlijk) ;-)


    Dus even nieuwe versie installeren (denk ik)

  7. Ruisbak says:

    Thx, looking forward to your “more advanced postprocess script working ok”.

    One thing on the nzbget.conf file, please make the default server connections 2 and not 4.

    # Maximal number of simultaneous connections to this server

    Lots of people are not allowed to make more than 2.
    This generates unwanted denied access messages.
    We want to use this bandwith for leeching. ;-)

  8. 4 is standard in the nzbget.conf .. I did not change anything ..
    Next to that: for usenet people use OFTEN a payed usenet server due to the retention and completeness of the binaries.
    So I will not change that ;-) ..

  9. Hoi Dennis,

    ik ben erachter gekomen dat ‘ie stiekem de nzbget uit optware gebruikte. Ik heb de “oude” weggegooid en jouw zipfile in /ffp/bin gezet. Daarna deed ‘ie het als een speer!

    (grmbl… wat stom dat ‘ie de optware versie gebruikte, ik heb kennelijk met m’n neus zitten kijken tijdens de initiele installatie ;-)

    Thanks for the support!


  10. Hoi Dennis,

    de “nieuwe” nzbget heeft weer een tijdje gedraaid, maar stopt er nu toch weer mee tijdens het verifieren van een RAR bestand. De “andere” nzbget stopte ermee tijdens het repareren.

    Heb je nog suggesties? Alvast bedankt!

  11. zorg ervoor dat je geen enkele andere oude versies op de bak hebt staan

    ik heb 150GB gewoon zitten binnen te halen met vele PAR sessies..
    (En nog steeds)

    Oh let erop: gebruik wel een GOEDE versie van UNRAR !!

  12. Nasp says:

    Works good here too, full tested! Par/repaired is a litle slow, but unrar is more fast.

    Sameone have test it Par/repair and download queue not paused ?

    Also i cant make nzbget works it SSL with my news ( xlnet ), i have made all the possibilities in nzbget.conf.

  13. Ruisbak says:

    All seems to be working great.

    Only “problem” is that HDD’s don’t spin down anymore.
    Any ideas for this?

  14. Nasp says:

    for this i think it is better to put ffp and nzbget, etc… runing from an usbpen, it the nzb folder in the pendrive.

  15. Ruisbak says:

    OK, I’ll change the watch time for nzb files.
    See how that works.
    With ffp only installed, HDD spindown works fine.
    So it must be nzbget.

  16. Ruisbak says:

    Yep, that did the trick.
    In nzbget.conf the line “NzbDirInterval=5” changed to “NzbDirInterval=3600”

    There is also this comment: “# Value “0” disables the check.”
    Might be interesting but how do you start leeching if it never checks for nzb’s?

  17. Sayonara says:

    Thx for the only tutorial on the internet how to get nzbget working on CH3SNAS :)
    I configured the script nicely except for the unrar thing. do we need to use the UNPAK.TAR file ?

    Now I would like to use it with my webbrowser and lighttpd. Is there some usefull information you can provide me with ?

    Groeten :)

  18. unpak.tar contains the postprocess script for nzbget to have the rar files unpacked
    it has my modified script for use with ch3snsas and the original script if you do not like my changes (more or less only pathnames)

    if you want to use your webbrowser and lighttpd, than please proceed installing lighttpd with php support and download nzbgetweb . .that is almost self explanatory
    but if needed I can put my config settings of nzbwebget.

  19. Nasp says:

    PROBLEMS . i have same problems it postprocess, delete the rars and the iso of same of dual-layers isos that i dowload…. damm!!!

    because of that postprocess dont delete my rar files, i delete manual!!

  20. Nasp says:

    Yes… Dennis

    For me the Postscript, have deleted 2 of .iso ( dualLayers isos ) with the rars files, extract and than deleted all files rars and isos. The folder name and the files .nfo etc are intact.
    Maybe the extract it is not sucess, and deleted the rar files.

    With other downloads files ( i have download more than 50gb in the past days ) works good.

    I have to download again…. ( For this problem i have altered the postprocess.sh for not deleted rar files )

  21. Eric says:

    Installed all as in tutorial, but uploading does not work for me in NZBGETWEB. worked exactly three times and now i get error 413 or just an attempt to open the status.php page. I am using the modified php.ini (size is 8mb) Somebody any thoughts?

  22. you might give me a lead to the nzb file ;-) than I can test my config

    Yesterday After downloading a large collection of RAR’s the device crashed (after downloading and unrariing more than 100GB ..

    I restart it and check what will happen with next file. Might be memory or something else ..

  23. I’ve downloaded more than 80GB at this moment, not without trouble (see other postings). But now it downloaded approximately 60GB without any issues.

    I managed to get it stable/”stablish” by using the debug.testing.0.60 version and lowering the max. threads to only 10 (instead of 50). I do not know what this setting really does, and whether the setting is actually being used by nzbget. But hey – it worked for me. It pulls approx. 1500kb/s from my newsserver (which is through my connection pretty much the max).

    My CH3SNAS is a pretty busy device, as it runs lighttpd, PHP, nzbget, twonkymedia, nfs for a start. It is not unthinkable that my instability issues are caused by memory issues :-)

  24. Eric says:

    I just tested an upload of an NZB from http://www.nzb-portal.nl “overig” Poker Sercret ebook (2kb). This one worked!? Then I tested from the same site “tv-series” SMALLVILLE (720P 5.1 DD NL.SUBS) S7D4 (698kb). This one failed. I removed the poker secrets from my queue and tried it again with the poker one. This still works, so it might be a size thing. But they are both well under 2M. Help…

    Downloading however is going great. Still using the “old” postprocess.sh. First want to get a feeling of what to expect before I change things again.

  25. Eric says:

    Here is the changed part of my php.ini;
    ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
    upload_max_filesize = 8M

    In my lighttpd.conf I have modified this;
    ## php support
    ## uncomment the following lines and the mod_fastcgi module above
    fastcgi.server = ( “.php” => ((
    “bin-path” => “/ffp/bin/php-cgi -c /ffp/etc/php.ini”,
    “socket” => “/tmp/php-cgi.socket”,
    “max-procs” => 2

    Thanks for all your efforts so far.

    EDIT: oeps, think i found it:
    in php.ini the upload folder is left to default. In my lighttpd.conf the default folder is tmp but it had never been created before. I now made the folder tmp and uploads seem to work.. Time for more testing

  26. yeah .. make sure the /tmp is somewhere on the disk like /mnt/HD_a2/tmp cause /tmp can be memory and if that is not present or available .. ;-)

  27. Nasp says:


    I tried do update for nzbget 6.0 ( firts i have nzbget 5.1 – andrei version works good ins pasts months with unrar comand…etc ) and now nzbget dont works!! Also i returned to nzbget 5,1 and this version now dont work too!!!!

    I dont now what is, i installed the nzbget version by fonz, and than it works. ( Now only the fonz version works )

    /ffp/bin/nzbget -D ……….. and telnet stop

    telnet again /ffp/start/nzbget.sh status
    nzbget running as a pid 1659

    I have removed all ffp directory and fresh a new install, and nothing!! same problem.

    Also the nzbget.sh when i reboot my ch3snas for same reason i dont know but kill my lighttpd start, i know that because if i remove nzbget.sh the lighttpd runs well

    the ffp.log dont show me nothing!! and dont have a nzbget.log because he dont run.

    My last opcion format the drive?

  28. Nasp says:


    tar xvzf nzbget-0.6.0-testing-r237-bin-dns323-arm.tar.gz in Volume 1, resolved the problem.

    damm, so much hours!!!

  29. Seppie says:


    Ive collected all of the required files for the nzbget and got it running but sometimes after and download i get:

    Thu Nov 13 07:57:10 2008 INFO Executing post-process-script for (filepath)
    and then it just stops. It doesn’t start the extraction part. (Doesn’t occure every time)

    Any ideas on this?

  30. @ Seppie yep .. I think so ..

    I think it has to do with a special SED setting in the unpak.sh


    #Add ‘\’ to regular expression metacharacters in a string.
    #Required so we can search for the string whilst using regualr expressions.
    # eg grep “^$string$”. this will fail if string contains ‘[].* etc.
    sed ‘s/\([].[*/\]\)/\\\1/g’

    # Same as RE_ESCAPE_FOR_SED but (|) are also meta characters.
    sed ‘s/\([].[*/\(|)]\)/\\\1/g’


    I changed the unpak.sh script with this and I have downloaded 160GB without issue.
    but I am still tracking it

  31. Skinberry says:

    Who can help me ??

    Just installed NZBget from this lovely site. Got it almost up and running, but there is a slight hickup:

    root@CH3SNAS:/mnt/HD_a2/ffp/start# sh nzbget.sh start
    Starting /ffp/bin/nzbget -D -c /ffp/etc/nzbget.conf
    /ffp/bin/nzbget: can’t load library ‘libstdc++.so.5’

    What am i missing ?

    Where can i find this libstdc++ file and do i need it ?
    This manual says nothing about it !

  32. dennis says:

    do you use fonz funplug 0.5 ?
    you need that.
    the libstdc++ is part of /ffp/lib

    /mnt/HD_a2/ffp/packages # locate libstdc


    Yes ipkg is installed but no use .. but it’s also in /sys/crfs

  33. Seppie says:

    Ive changed the SED setting but still getting:

    Fri, 14 Nov 2008 15:35:21 +0000 Executing post-process-script for Hancock.2008.1080p.5.1.ac3.Ps3.NL-Waspoeder/Hancock.2008.1080p.5.1.ac3.Ps3.NL-Waspoeder

    And then it just states as:
    Currently processing

    name stage % elapsed time
    Hancock 2008 1080p 5 1 ac3 Ps3 NL-Waspoeder executing script 2:33:01

    But nothing happens :(

  34. Skinberry says:

    Thanks for responding, Dennis !

    I’ve got these files in /ffp/lib as you said. But how do i use them ?
    Is there a script to modify to point to these files ?
    Or do i have to copy them to a location ?

  35. Skinberry says:


    Ik heb nogmaals gekeken of de libstdcc files aanwezig zijn en ja…dat zijn ze !
    Maar wat ik ook doe (rechten veranderen bijv.), ik krijg nzbget niet aan de praat.
    Ik gebruik versie 0.5.1 van deze site. Die zou toch moeten werken ?

    Heb je nog tips ? Of iemand anders ? Moet nzbget deze files ergens kunnen “zien” via een script ? Heb de CH3SNAS al meerdere keren gereboot…

    Please help !

  36. Skinberry says:

    Ik geef de moed op….

    nzbget-0.6.0-testing-r252-bin-dns323-arm.tar.gz gedownload. Probeer dat te installeren (in /ffp/bin/), maar daarna gebeurt er niets meer.

    Linux zou in principe een leuk alternatief voor windows kunnen zijn. Alleen dan moeten de programmeurs iets meer moeite doen om te beschrijven wat en hoe het moet. Voor een leek is er geen beginnen aan. Steeds is er wel ergens een file-tje wat mist of net niet past.

    Fonz funplug is een voorbeeld hoe het ook kan. Dat gaat wel probleemloos.

  37. Ik weet niet wat er bij jouw mis gaat ..

    ik heb het geinstalleerd. ik heb de nzbget.conf in /ffp/etc staan
    en de nzbget in /ffp/bin

    heb je in het forum van nzbget al gevraagd?

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