Comedytrain in Apeldoorn 10 december 2008

Vanavond even heerlijk in het theater geweest in Apeldoorn. Comedytrain. met de MC Roué Verveer (Deed het als MC goed en had leuke dingen. Die zien we in Februari weer. Jandino Asporaat was in het begin een beetje onduidelijk (Antiliaan, kan ie zelf ook niets aan doen) maar toen ik daar eenmaal aan gewend was had ie een hele mooi korte voorstelling. Je ziet ons terug In januari ;-)

Lebbis (Hans Sibbel) mocht het als oude rot afmaken en was erg sterk. Kort en krachtig en erg goed inspelend op het nieuws. 2 andere gastjes te weten Emilio Guzman (zwak begin, mooi midden, sterk einde), en Stefan Pop waren nummer 3 en 1 (Stefan moest het publiek opwarmen, maar ik vond um niet zo erg sterk).

Al met al een dik anderhalf uur genoten van de Comedytrain in Apeldoorn

Update: datum aangepast.. ah ah .. dank je Rick !


My XP system suffered from a root-kit. Tried to remove it, seemed to succeed but next day same issue. So I decided to re-install XP.

As a lot of custom modifications were made in the system (mysql to odbc connections, video / audio stuff) I need to do a lot of re-configurations.

CFULLHDMA: beta firmware 1.12.07

Intermediate beta firmware which has been sent to some beta testers already is now released to all beta-testers


  • Ongoing process: Add workaround for IP address issue
  • Please note that this issue has our first priority and attention to solve. We need to do more debugging to check why it’s happening in 2.6 kernel and not in 2.4 kernel
  • Fixed: iMedia edit folder. (was not possible)
  • Fixed ASX  streams with multiple streams could not to play

beta testers will be informed about availability of the firmware

CFULLHDMA: 1.12.04 [official release]

1.12.04 release notes

firmware 1.12.04 will be released through the official channel on monday 1/12/08
Beta testers can have the please to use this version today. (check your e-mail)

We had to make another firmware as some bugs were found causing the official release not to be postponed but we needed to have these issues fixed.

What we did fix for the 1.12.04 version?

  • Fixed subtitles: srt not to be shown correctly on some files which include “.” in the name
  • Fixed some issues on photo display. Some jpegs could not not be displayed. (side affect 4:3 issue)
  • Fixed NFS not to play ISO correctly.  (Pressing play on ISO file: nothing happened, you needed to press down to open ISO file to select video_ts)

CFULLHDMA: beta 1.11.21

Ok, it took me long hours debugging why in certain situations the mounting of Samba Shares was failing. In short: not many users whould have seen this bug. Only in certain configuration setups like the one I am using myself. But enough reason for me to tell everyone on the beta list not to use it unless you are willing to suffer the issue not be able to mount.

Afer finding and analyzing the issue