Today I release a new complete package for the Conceptronic CH3SNAS & CH3MNAS (2 different binaries)
before you use my package make sure you use
fun_plug, PHP5 with curl support, have installed unrar and installed the lighttpd module as well
the newsbin package you can download here
It contains:
- – nzbget version 0.7.0-testing-r357
- – nzbgetweb version v 1.4 (testing-5)
- – nzbgetter version 1.0
- – modified script
in short how to install:
put the correct file into the root of the Harddisk of the NAS, this is /mnt/HD_a2
untar the tgz file with tar -xvzf newsbinch3mnas-v3.tgz or tar -xvzf newsbinch3snas-v3.tgz, a folder newsbin will be created
Than there are a few files you have to copy manually into the correct folders
go into the newsbin folder with ‘cd newsbin’
than copy the 2 shell script files (extension SH) to the startup folder of Fun_Plug
‘cp *.sh /ffp/start’
with next reboot nzbget will be started automatically.
optional you can copy from /conf/ the cronfile into /ffp/start as well to have nzbgetter auto-download your nzb files, it is possible you already installed it, so do not copy it cause your old crontab file will be overwritten.
if you do not reboot you have to make sure you start the two shell scripts manually.
cd /ffp/start
sh start
sh start
the first script starts nzbget for downloading from usenet, the 2nd script will run lighttpd with the correct configurations
upload your nzbfiles manually into /mnt/HD_a2/newsbin/nzb or use nzbgetter.
to access nzbgetweb interface: http://[ip-of-nas]:8000
to access nzbgetter web interface: http://[ip-of-nas]:8000/nzbgetter or access it through the nzbgetweb interface
Please make sure you configure nzbget with your usenet account and password
the script will make sure that downloaded stuff will be put in the correct folder after download.
this short how-to is far from perfect and a quick reference next to the normal manual of the various tools
if you want to upgrade
copy the binary from the /bin/ folder
copy the /web/ folder to your /web folder
copy the /nzbgetter folder to a new created /web folder
optional: copy from the /conf/ folder the to /ffp/start
this howto is somewhat outdated, updated info