A not so expensive MP3 player with the ability to play FLAC files .. 100 ~ 150 Euro max
if you do not know what flac is do not bother to reply ;-)
A not so expensive MP3 player with the ability to play FLAC files .. 100 ~ 150 Euro max
if you do not know what flac is do not bother to reply ;-)
Hier staat een hele rits:
Vooral van Iriver….Europese prijzen zelf ff zoeken!
I’d take an Cowon Iaudio7.
They are available through the internet for 100 – 170 € depending on how many storage one wants to have.
It plays FLAC, OGG, MP3, WAV, WMA, ASF. I personally own an U3 and it is a nice device ;-)
you might try one of the Sandisk Sansa line – they are really fine, and customizable via Rockbox. AFAIK they are not supporting OGG and FLAC yet, but there is a press release about an upcoming firmware release with these features included (at least for Sansa Clip and Sansa Fuse). And the rockbox software does play FLAC already :-)
BR Stefan.
I agree with Uwe: get a Cowon Iaudio 7. Superior soundquality and because it has flash-memory and no harddisk, the battery-life is endless, like 60 hours or so. You should be able to pick up a 16Gb Iaudio 7 for 150 euros.