Christina Aguilera’s Extreme Dirty Edit Mix
This Weeks Mixfreaks Remix
I heard first the unpolished version of Lou Reed – Take a walk on the NASTY side. After some comments of me JPL polished the diamond he had and this is the result: A wonderful remix !
Ingredients: (BUMA ;-) )
Let´s talk about Lou Reed – Take a walk on the wild side, Run DMC – Peter Piper and Walk This Way and some Janet Jackson…
8 November A.C. told in his show to broadcast a remix, mentioned here at my website (steelers wheel remix). Unfortunately there was no space left at that time.
15 november, last friday he broadcasted the mix !! and gave a lot of free advertisement for .. WOW.. (for those who do not know: it’s my 2nd hobby after my work :-).
Maybe it’s possible for the BlogNewsNetwork to create more space for the Mixfreaks Community, cause remixes of normal songs are awesome especially when they are made by one of the mixfreaks members. And yes we take care for the BUMA list ;-)
Mixfreaks Party 2002 #2
WAUWWW .. What a party yesterday.
Find here the mixfreaks 2002 party pictures.
Ben Liebrand using 5 !!! Pioneer CDJ-1000 CD Players almost creating a live Grandmix.
A night to remember..
The 2002 Mixfreaks Party
Today we have our 3rd MIXFREAKS Party. Held in Loosbroek, Partycentrum Lunenburg. Only for members. 2 DJ’s playing all music in the mix: Dennis de Haan, last year’s winner of the Mixfreaks Mix Contest and Ben Liebrand who is doing his set behind 4 !!! DJ-1000’s ..
I’m one of the gang of 8 this year. Organizing the party. Normally I maintain the mailinglist with about 800 mix freaks ..
Play with J-Lo’s ass
Technics SL-1200MK5
The ultimate DJ Turntable … Technics SL-1200MK5 *NEW*
Find here the evolution of the SL-1200
I wonder if this buddy will be available in Europe & What are those 2 buttons doing at the right?
Ahhh this website is showing more!
This weeks Mixfreaks Remix
Mixfreaks Remix Tip
JPL did it again for the Mixfreaks..
He created a wonderful mix ..
From his website:
Reservoir Dogs (1992) triggered me to do at least something with this song as Quentin Tarantino did in his Film. Best part was finding a song that could fit in. So it became a “non” -edit combimix of Stealers Wheel – Stuck in the middle with you and Vanity 6 – Nasty Girl!!! Worst part was to sync them it up.Well….it´s back to the 70´s then…haha.