
I do not have a lot of links at my weblogsite to other weblogs. Only to Julius. It’s always a surprise for me finding people who have me at their website or in their favourites. I think my website is nothing special. I’m doing my own thing. Only trying to be a little different from other websites and not to be a copy of Fark, Daypop or Blogdex
But I am happy to see that people do put me in their favourites and websites. But the only question for me: why?


Testing the MT Image::Magick Perl option. My webhoster implemented the module. The only problem I have right now is that I cannot create a JPEG thumbnail. Uploading a *.GIF file is no problem and is working flawlessly. Configuration error webhoster?

Mmm I think is broken. 56 entries. of which only 10 to 15 people are connected. Mmm bad start ..
I already know that MT will support multiple PING servers, so pinging to and (Euro.Weblogs.Com) will be possible in future.


I made some little changes to the weblog
interface is more looking the same for my archives. Also I updated some stuff for the categories. Cooooollll …

I love Movabletype.