I’m doing extensive tests with the CH3SNAS and the UPnP Server as there are some reports about a ‘stopping’ UPnP server after 20 minutes or so
Here my experiences
Development CH3SNAS with C54WMP (both Conceptronic, ideal config to bug those guys)
Beta 1.03-3 firmware for CH3SNAS (1.03(1.30.1129.2007))
C54WMP 1.00.00 PAL (Mass Production Firmware)
UPnP Server enabled
Playing 1 ‘Yearmix’ about 60 minutes: no disconnects even the syslog does not show wierd issues. HDD does contain 7 folders, 45 files, about 20 2007 yearmixes (from 30 to 2 hours) and one Video Yearmix 2007 (DJ Bacon)
I will do some tests tomorrow on another combination (I have multi .. (don’t ask)) … and check those firmware versions .. with that setup I have another experience and there it will show a disconnect after 40 to 50 minutes (other MP3’s though, but still yearmixes 2007 ;-) I even noticed that the same setup with firmware 1.01 of the CH3SNAS did not show a disconnect. Upgrading the Ch3SNAS firmware did show some sparkling effect.
Things to do: get more feedback from others, try to get some debug info from that UPnP Server to detect earlier the issue.
Do not bother testing with 1.02 .. I need tests with 1.03 firmware
Got the same problem with CH3WNAS in combination with a PS3. Will there be a beta firmware available
The CH3WNAS will get a huge update probably within two weeks