Tonight I received the Music stick from Niels
My top 3 ..
I have a totally different sticks list. cause I have not a really top3. It changes every day. But I try to give you some idea what is my music ;-)
1. [Yearmixes] –> Grandmix 83/tm 92 – 2000-2001
2. [Megamixes] –> Bond van Doorstarters, DMC etc..
3. 12″ / remixes
Euh? Music? euh Mix ? Yep I grew up with the Bond van Doorstarters I grew up with the Minimix. Still I listen almost only to megamixes, yearmixes and remixes. nothing else. (I maintain the mixfreaks mailinglist over 4 years right now .. )
And to give you some titles for now what is played here:
1. Martin Boer – DanceClassics Megamix (1hr) (Broadcasted by Corne Kleijn)
2. Yearmix (1hr) DJ Sandstorm broadcasted 3FM
3. One of the best 12″ ever: Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Rage Hard
So sorry: not a real top3 cause it’s all in the mix here.
I saw in the list of Niels ie. the Desert Rose from Sting: The record itself I do not like that much but the remix/12″ rocks really hard.
Okay maybe this is the longest running stick ever.. so I have to look who did not receive it yet ;-)
My sticks is thrown to Remco!