Unique new service: Scrapedfeeds is scraping the Unique news service of NU.NL/Telex

Last week ilse Media announced that they have a unique new service: a newsarticle service. 7 categories of news from different sources at 1 page
WEEEHOOOIEEE that’s unique.. <NOT> That is the same as newsisfree, loglezer and scrapedfeeds.com are doing for month’s if not years already.

Bummer .. that new unique service lacks RSS .. (I wonder how they retrieve the feeds)
Therefore: scrapedfeeds is scraping the unique Nu.nl Telex pages into RSS .. that’s what I call: unique …. ‘;-)


Closing Scrapedfeeds.com for backend purposes

At this time Scrapedfeeds.com cannot maintain the service you requested. The system used for Scrapedfeeds.com cannot keep up with the data needed to send to the people using the service. Without any donations for a new system connected to the internet I have only one option: close down the whole service :-( Sorry for the inconvenience

As Ed was replying in a comment: ‘ nok er dan mee ‘ –> here we go .. I quit. It was fun



Halim was scraping ANP feeds for his own site. I found the feeds some weeks ago through syndicatie.nl and was wondering how Halim was able to scrape the feeds offering the contents as his own contents (as in: having a subscription from the database of ANP). It was really looking good, but hyperlinks: no, not to the real source the feed items were taken from. Now: ANP has summoned him to stop offering the feeds.

I know that ANP is visiting my site once in the while (statics do show this). I also do offer ANP RSS feeds but the difference between Halims feed and mine is that I will forward to reader to the website the feed was taken from.

Scrapedfeeds is offering RSS feeds from @ home, showing only the ‘headline’ without the contents of the article: this is causing the reader to click and visit the original website. So in that situation my feeds are ‘equal’ to the kranten.com ruling (dutch) some years ago.

I wrote Halim some weeks that his service could give problems. Within 3 weeks the game was over and the service was closed down sooner than expected. (a disclaimer is not enough). The news articles from ANP displayed through @home and scraped by scrapedfeeds.com you can find here

grmbl ..

My home dsl line seems to be disconnected.. Damn :-(
And i needed info from scrapedfeeds.com

Oh well .. as it is a hobby project without earning money from it: it can be offline. But why? I’ve no clue yet