Server Status: updates

General information for users of AroundMyroom,, Mixfreaks, tapas-recepten, and more. 

  • BlueQuartz updates. Major update today with 90 updates for BQ.
  • Change of POP3 server. BQ upgraded to Dovecot. Had to enable POPS to have it function properly
  • Removed dust from Server
  • Backup running [takes about 7 hours]

AroundMyRoom updates

  • changed permalinks of AroundMyroom old style to new playground style
  • changed permanent folder pr0n to erotica
  • installed WordPress and changing styles

Date & Time @ server

Damn the xs4all time server has some issues. It’s messing up the system time at my server. (and all my logfiles) .. Pffffffff. Removing it from webserver admin interface to see if problem is solved. If so than above IP is really making a mess of it

Problem of time @ server has to do with update CentoS (3.5) 4.3 to CentOS 4.4 when fully yum updated more BlueQuartz / CentOS users suffer from same issue. I changed Timezone setting to another timezone applying and then putting it back to the normal timezone. Let see if the logfile is giving me the correct time now.