
Fixed the newsfeeds again.

Personal Qube3 server up and running almost flawlessly
It’s possible that you need to re-subscribe to the correct RSS feed again as the database was back to 15 may :-(
If you were subscribed to an feed which is not updated anymore or does not exist: please tell me which feed it is.

TV guide I’ll try to manage within a couple of hours.


Fixed my server problem
1 month old backup in place, but wierd: the problem was not fixed with the backup .. “:=( so in this situation, the backup was not necessary at all !!!!
Fuck the duck ..

Right now: upgrading newsfeeds again, waiting for a new key, tomorrow scraping feeds again I did last month :-(

Updating the image gallery of me and Lilian: again adding about 500 images

But I learned a lesson.. life sucks especially when you do not make a backup.

TV Guide rss/xml

I’m not really satisfied with the TV Guide RSS/XML stuff I created yesterday.
okay I can created 3 feeds out of one html page (thanks Mike) but ..

Problem is that normally within a feed new entries are added. Here old entries
are removed. So when an entry is removed you see a strange effect: it’s not organized correctly anymore :-(

This feed needs te be organized by time .. (or description) .. Think Think

Maybe I’ll try something else tonight. (or maybe there is another tv guide available??)

The power of broadcasting

saw at AC’s site a weblog entry about konspire 2b
Within 5 minutes a working channel. Looks similar to Peercast
(backend wise).

konspire2b is a channel-based system. Announcements for files are made on various channels, and your node will respond to an announcement on a channel only if you have previously set it to be subscribed on that channel.

This application needs to be tested further. This has great potential.
just subscribe to a channel and receive the files automatically.

Punkey wrote also about it