Today we got the message that master mixer JPL had to stop his activities for sharing is own made music mixes. the Dutch RIAA (BREIN) told him to stop due to copyrights bla bla bla.
If they wonder why music industry is doing bad: this is one of the things causing things to go underground.
Sharing mixes (which are home made) is nothing commercial. It can only boost sales.
Tell me where I can buy 12″ Single CD’s for reasonable prices from the 80’s and I buy what I like. My taste of music are mixes and long versions of the songs created for radio. I want to hear the mix before I buy it cause nowadays crap is made too easy. JPL is one of the mixers putting time in his work and should be awarded by the music-industry.
But of course we are wrong. Something tells me I want to have a return of the DMC mix club as they were in the 80’s ..
open for discussion ..