Surprise Party ..

Today Ben Liebrand was 25 years in the Music Business.
A surprise party was helt in Almere @ ‘Eindelijk’ ..

Family, friends, relatives a lot of people who know Ben were present.

Surprise acts from: Forrest, Tony Scott and MC Miker G and DJ Sven ..

Wauw.. The surprise was big for Ben, cause he totally did not expect this.
Organised by Lindo Duvall and Brena (Ben’s wife) …. It was great to be there today.

AC: would have been a great opportunity to meet each other .. Unfortunately you were not there ..

Foto’s are uploaded right now ..

Mixfreaks Remix #1 2003

This year’s first Remix made by a Mixfreaks is made by JPL !

He remixed a remix of his own to make it better and better.
More percussion and synths are being used and the track became Funky!!

Actually: it’s a combi-mix with Erik B & Rakim – I Know you got soul..

After the yearmixes of 2002 we have this awesome Remix ..
Find here more info about the mix & Download

DJ’s: broadcast it!

Nightlife Magazine

Just got a message that my other website is being mentioned in ‘ NightLife Magazine ‘ {dutch}

Under: Webculture.
The Mixfreaks are mentioned [no scan available :-( ]
with: ‘Here you can find a list with all the yearmixes (50 to 120 music-numbers mixed together in 1 hour) of 2002.