Tip: CFULLHDMA(i) & USB WLAN Dongles

If you use 1.17.22 as firmware version for your CFULLHDMA(i) and you want to use a WLAN USB dongle to connect your CFULLHDMA(i) wireless to your network: only a Conceptronic C300RU can work

But if you use 1.17.43 (latest firmware release) more USB Dongles are supported. Also the new C150RU Conceptronic dongle is supported, but ….. you can also use other brands as well. As long as the dongle is based on the Ralink chipset for 802.11n it can work. No guarantees though ;-)

Beetje ziek van hotmail.com

zucht .. heb ik weer

The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 SC-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. Reasons for rejection may be related to content with spam-like characteristics or IP/domain reputation problems. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. Email/network admins, please visit http://postmaster.live.com for email delivery information and support

Nou mensen .. hotmail heeft weer eens doen besluiten dat mail vanaf aroundmyroom.com niet bij hotmail.com gebruikers mag binnenkomen. Ondanks SDF en andersoortige perfecte mailserver instellingen. Als Microsoft daar nu ook eens gewoon een ge-automatiseerd systeem van zou maken om je IP uit de ‘blacklist’ te kunnen laten filteren dan zou dat veel ergenis en FTE’s schelen.

(jij als hotmail.com of live.com gebruiker kan natuurlijk ook gmail gaan gebruiken ;-))

Gigabit Powerline ??

Deze week konden we op verschillende nieuwssites een persbericht van Belkin lezen over Gigabit Powerline.

Ik als new technology geek en trendwatcher op het gebied van IT/CE gerelateerde producten heb natuurlijk wat meer informatie naar boven kunnen halen dan wat de meeste nieuw sites hebben geschreven. Dus …

Enige nuance bij deze product introductie mag toch wel aangebracht worden.

Wellicht kan dit artikel wat meer duidelijkheid scheppen over de claim Gigabit over het stroomnetwerk.


After evangelizing RSS feeds some years ago (before the big hype, and before anyone had implemented it) I ran a scrapedfeeds.com website with a scraper (myheadlines) to make feeds from sites without.
After stopping that website I did not do anything with feeds anymore. Even not having a tool reading feeds.

Today after more than 2 years I installed a feedreader on my desktop again and imported some feeds I use during office hours. I’m back on track ..

b.t.w. I changed the feed url of the flash scroll feed in the top of the blog cause it was many times not working. Maybe the redirect could not be followed.

WordPress 2.8

WordPress 2.8 installed. Directly saw some plugins errors (search unleased) and updated those as well. Search is functioning again. The auto-upgrade feature is still missing progress bar ..  but as far as I can see all is running fine now