SPF records
Finally I have valid SPF records
Received-SPF: pass (hosting.mixfans.org: domain of aroundmyroom.com designates xx.xx.xxx.xx as permitted sender) client-ip=xx.xx.xxx.xx; envelope-from=blah@aroundmyroom.com; helo=[];
Ok, SPF is not 100% ok (I have too much domains mentioned in the TXT setting of the DNS, but ok for main purpose it’s working ..
Postbox aka E-mail
Perfect new Twitter Page
Installed a new plugin for Twitter in one of my Pages. I was not happy to use Exec-PHP so that is why i searched and found a more suitable plugin for me.
Google Adsense Customer related ads
Google adsense is starting customer / visitor related ads. As I use Google-Adsense (trying to pay the bills) I have show the statement: (see footer)
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies. Click here
Wat doe je op een maandagavond?
Je wordt om half 8 gebeld of je iets kan afleveren. Je stapt in de auto … je rijdt naar kantoor en pakt daar, met goede hoop dat je de alarmcodes er weer op zet, wat spulletjes wat je nodig hebt. Dan rij je vanaf Amersfoort naar het nietige kleine Rotterdam via trajectcontroles, 120KM, 100KM, en 80KM zones in een paar kwartier ernaartoe. Daar iets afgeleverd (I have to kill you to tell you what) en even gekletst. Na een uur weer terug naar ons huisje in het grote Apeldoorn. om 23.30 waren we weer thuis.
Nu naar een paar Cola Whiskey (Thanks Rick, nog steeds niet leeg die fles) gaan we naar bed.. Tot morgen lieverds!
Message to Self: Throughput by time Linux
how to measure speed within Linux using ie. a Samba or NFS share
Command> time cat /location/of/filea >/dev/null
CFULLHDMA: internet release 1.15.15
just released the 1.15.15 for CFULLHDMA & CFULLHDMAi
no real differences between 1.15.11 so therefore I thought it was good opportunity to give non-beta testers an update as well. Yes, there are known issues, but you always can downgrade the firmware again if you do not like the changes.
WereldReis 2001 – The Videos
[mediaplayer src=http://www.aroundmyroom.com/wp-content/video/wreis1.wmv]
part 1, Melbourne, Sydney ..
Crack Windows Passwords in 5 minutes
Lost your XP password? here a nice tool for a certain part it is working .. Especially when the password is stored local. When users are in a network / domain it will be much more difficult to logon.
Thanks for the tip Julius