In 1.16.02 we added Youtube support for CFULLHDMAi
I saw some people asking if we could implement it for CFULLHDMA. So please add comments to request it! No request, no implementation.
In 1.16.02 we added Youtube support for CFULLHDMAi
I saw some people asking if we could implement it for CFULLHDMA. So please add comments to request it! No request, no implementation.
Beta firmware v01.16.02
We already know that some streams randomly will generate: failed to play this stream we want to hear your comments about the usability and if you can use the implementation.
Beta firmware version information will be send later today to beta testers
just released the 1.15.15 for CFULLHDMA & CFULLHDMAi
no real differences between 1.15.11 so therefore I thought it was good opportunity to give non-beta testers an update as well. Yes, there are known issues, but you always can downgrade the firmware again if you do not like the changes.
Nico, CFULLDHMA gebruiker heeft een hele mooie Uitzending Gemist Top 50 implementatie gemaakt om zo deze uitzendingen op de CFULLHDMA te bekijken.
Voer in de IMedia van de CFULLHDMA de volgende URL in:
Hierna kun je de top50 van Uitzending gemist bekijken op je CFULLHDMA
new features in the setup of the CFULLHDMA: (Under Other Settings)
No idea about the WAV issue yet, cause I was unable to test it on RAW mode today (moving offices) and here at home I only have great stereo sound ;-)
Firmware not released *yet* .. When? Mmmm .. soon I think ;_0
New beta firmware, where we improved a lot on TS level and audio. Some settings were causing stability issues (Auto EDID) and are under review
Version 1.15.08
It could be that EDID in combination with Auto-Sync is working but that is under analyze.
New beta release for CFULLHDMA & CFULLHDMAi users
The no rocket science fix
– Fixed an NTPClient issue (could cause a device no react when no network)
– Fixed wrong MP3 ID3 tag issue (no ID3 tag displayed for MP3 files)
As we are still busy with making fixes around the new SDK more bugfixes are not yet released.
Known issue for example is that some AC3 files still do not play well, this has been fixed in our new codec engine. But that one is not implemented yet. Also some issues could occur with M2TS files. H.264->ts->H.264 ==> it can occur that it does not play in this version.
Beta testers are informed about this new firmware version
Sometimes it is possible that people brick their device and that it is not operational anymore.
The CFULLHDMA has a number of abilities to fix firmware version(s).
with every boot the device is checking if the firmware file is valid. When it’s not valid you will see a blue screen with information to run the firmware upgrade again.
With latest firmware releases we have added a ‘fixed’ IP address when there is no network: if you can ping this address after changing the IP of your Computer in the same range the kernel is still running and you still can fix your CFULLHDMA.
If you can ping it on it’s normal IP address (you might need an Angry IP Scanner tool) to determine it in your network, you can also use telnet
—- Only for kernel 2.6 Firmware Versions —
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /usb/usb0
./ForceUpgrade_k26 upgrade.bin
The upgrade.bin is the latest firmware version you can download from the Conceptronic website
the ForceUpgrade tool can be taken from here
I do not suggest anyone to use this unless you know what you are doing.
In any other situation it is NOT possible to fix the firmware file without using a Serial Console Port
Above image shows a serial console port you can put on the CFULLHDMA when you open it. (Tx,Rx,GND,V). With a console port you can get more information about the status of the device. When you use a Console Cable and you see a YAMON message things are not ok .. the kernel and firmware are not present anymore. You only see the bootloader, and only through a very extensive difficult upgrade procedure the firmware can be fixed.
The Just Before Chinese New Year Released Beta Version
changed: adding [ ] around items in list screen to give better view
Added: NTPClient server (for use with CFULLHDMAi)
Fixed: AC3 audio hickup passthrough
Fixed: Screen Saver issue (due to NTP)
Fixed: Ogg 6 channel issue
Fixed: DVD subtitle looping issue
Fixed: hang issue when connecting USB HDD.
Fixed:HDMI auto-sync caused there is no sound in HDMI when playing some files
Beta firmware only available for Beta-Testers