
I’m trying to find a PowerPoint Viewer for Windows CE 3.0 (strong arm processor).
Haleluja .. that’s difficult.
Someone a direct link between not 13.00 PM and 18.00 PM ? I need it for some tests ..


Today I got the hand on a number of DMC mixes. (MP3). Wauw ..
Those were and are mixes.. Especially the (RE)-(M)(IX)usic of the 80’s .. Lisa Standsfield. Taylor Dane, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Remixes, Megamixes only for DJ’s .. Not commercial available. COOL
Looking for more.

The flow

Yesterday evening I had ‘the flow’a number of weblog entries entered within a hour. Today: very busy with work, meetings and all kind of other little things. So no weblog entries at all. Gosh en sjee.. that’s long time ago that that happened.

So for today: this is The Flow .. My flow ..
Maybe tonight more flow .. No idea. ;-)

The music Stick

Tonight I received the Music stick from Niels

My top 3 ..
I have a totally different sticks list. cause I have not a really top3. It changes every day. But I try to give you some idea what is my music ;-)

1. [Yearmixes] –> Grandmix 83/tm 92 – 2000-2001
2. [Megamixes] –> Bond van Doorstarters, DMC etc..
3. 12″ / remixes

Euh? Music? euh Mix ? Yep I grew up with the Bond van Doorstarters I grew up with the Minimix. Still I listen almost only to megamixes, yearmixes and remixes. nothing else. (I maintain the mixfreaks mailinglist over 4 years right now .. )

And to give you some titles for now what is played here:

1. Martin Boer – DanceClassics Megamix (1hr) (Broadcasted by Corne Kleijn)
2. Yearmix (1hr) DJ Sandstorm broadcasted 3FM
3. One of the best 12″ ever: Frankie Goes to Hollywood – Rage Hard

So sorry: not a real top3 cause it’s all in the mix here.
I saw in the list of Niels ie. the Desert Rose from Sting: The record itself I do not like that much but the remix/12″ rocks really hard.

Okay maybe this is the longest running stick ever.. so I have to look who did not receive it yet ;-)

My sticks is thrown to Remco!